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196  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Whatever happened. on: February 24, 2016, 05:01:50 PM

I, too, have been pretty quiet lately.  Trying to work on stuff more than talking about it.
197  General Category / General Discussion / Re: The appeal of deep underground on: February 16, 2016, 12:39:45 AM
For whatever reason, in Terraria I always end up with a magic mirror before I go exploring too deep. Smiley  In one area on our family world, we dug a _deep_ pit and put water in the bottom so we could even get back down quickly.

I always felt like digging back to the surface in Minecraft was non-trivial.  Certainly easier than Terraria but it can still take a while as you break into side passages, etc..  Terraria you can see everything so it's distance without mystery.  Minecraft you have less distance but every new block you remove is potential surprise danger.
198  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 2: Building! on: February 13, 2016, 03:31:32 AM
Sorry... haven't had a chance to look yet.  Soon... very soon... Wink
199  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Pspeed's mansion on: February 09, 2016, 02:25:49 AM
Well, this:

Indicates that even in the scale you are dealing with, you have miscounted somewhere.

Everything is on a grid, so generally you can just find something else to line something up:

Just remember if you are dealing with the bottom or the top of a wall when you are placing a block.  I think you placed based on the top in some cases and the bottom in others.

You probably want to pick a fixed scale and go from there.  I'm not sure what scale will work but I'm guessing 2:1... so use 2 Mythruna block dimensions for every muddy rogue tile.  I think that even works out for the tables and chairs.  The doorways will be two wide but then you can use half block borders to make the hole smaller for a door.  (Eventually those will be solid blocks with a door overlay so it will be basically the same.)
200  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 2: Building! on: February 08, 2016, 04:11:41 AM
Note: it's a cool game if you have someone to play board games with:

It will definitely influence some of Mythruna's internal systems, I think.
201  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 2: Building! on: February 08, 2016, 02:19:21 AM
I also took the afternoon off an played a board game with my son. (Lords of Waterdeep)

I have to show him that cool games aren't all electronic... just most of them. Smiley
202  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 2: Building! on: February 07, 2016, 05:01:22 PM
Oh dear. We haven't had a dip in activity like this in a long time.

For my own part, I also apologize.  I've been hoping to say something about what I'm working on but things keep getting in the way.  I've hinted here and there a little.

For example, I expected to have a 'hardcode coding' weekend but Friday afternoon my work machine's hard drive died.  I took this as an opportunity to buy+build my own new beefy workstation so that I can do day job work on one of my own machines for a change.  (The corporate build of this laptop makes it truly impossible for me to do my own tech support on recovering the hard drive so I'm stuck with a dead machine all weekend. Sad )

Anyway, my cool time coding a general inventory panel for The Muddy Rogue turned into OS Install + dev environment setup.

It's a nice machine though... AMD 8 core thing with 32 GB of RAM, 2 3 TB hard drives, and a GTX 960 in it.  Retail therapy at its finest.
203  General Category / General Discussion / Re: YouTube Video Haul on: February 07, 2016, 04:58:02 PM
Those Mistborn books are truly great, by the way.  HIGHLY recommend them.

The Mistborn series by Sanderson and the Codex Alera series by Jim Bucher (sp?) are both really great series.  You should all read them... right now. Smiley

I recently had a friend/colleague read these at my suggestion (Alera then Mistborn if it matters) and he went from someone who reads books fairly slowly to someone who was tearing through them by the end.  (Then he got the Mistborn RPG and has been diving deep into that recently... best done after reading the books to avoid spoilers, though.)

Anyway... again: highly recommend them both.
204  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Pspeed's mansion on: January 31, 2016, 06:15:01 PM

Here is a map of the island that the mansion will be on.

Link below.

coordinates are 2525.55 - 3140.26

No mansion on there yet as I just finished the underground tunnel, but it will be there soon.

And I think people will enjoy the glass elevator going up to the above ground from the underground tunnel.  
Its really just a glass tower from underground reaching up to the foot of the hill where the mansion will one day be,
but It looks pretty neat if I can say so myself.

Cool looking island you got there:

Looks a little like the island in the sci-fi book I just started reading:
205  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Mob Idea Discussion on: January 31, 2016, 06:09:32 PM
Rayman is a hugely popular character made by Nintendo, who had no less than forty games based on him, and stars in countless other Nintendo titles, as well as a few third party titles. His appearance is pretty iconic; he's really only a floating torso with a head, hands, and feet.

Note: Rayman definitely _NOT_ made by Nintendo... else it wouldn't have appeared on other consoles.
206  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Pspeed's mansion on: January 29, 2016, 03:27:49 PM
Just going to hide this in here:

I haven't been able to work on anything for a few days because of work + wife out of town.  I'd like to get to something we can all play soon.  More on 'why the side track' another time.

"error board not found."
"this board may be private. you may be able to view it by logging in."

I don't have an account so I cant see it.  Sad

An account wouldn't matter... I accidentally left it private.  It's public now.
207  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Pspeed's mansion on: January 28, 2016, 08:07:05 PM
Just going to hide this in here:

I haven't been able to work on anything for a few days because of work + wife out of town.  I'd like to get to something we can all play soon.  More on 'why the side track' another time.
208  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Mob Idea Discussion on: January 28, 2016, 08:04:53 PM
some sort of flying mosquito meets poisionous spider hybrid.
It will either paralyze you and drink your blood or poison you and eat your flesh or whatever it is spiders do.

and weird killer bugs that can disguise themselves as fruit.

And slenderman!

oh and a mob that is actually a booby trap! some sort of plant, possibly a flower or something else that someone would be interested in picking up,
 that, once plucked, opens up a rapidly ingulfing sinkhole right below your feet and sucks you down into it like quicksand!

ooh and will-o-the-wisps which we could just call wisps!  totally benign as long as you don't attack them, but try to stab them with a sword or shoot a fireball at them or however we are going to be able to attack things in this game, and a wispmother appears! some tall lanky ghost lady with some billowing white dress and what looks like lace scarfs or shawls or something floating all about her as she rises out of the ground till she is floating above it.  And then she orchestrates the wisps in some sort of hivemind strategy to kill you!  Usually found in cemetaries or other outdoor places commonly known as places with lots of death.

The escalated quickly.  Heheh. Smiley
209  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Pspeed's mansion on: January 28, 2016, 08:03:29 PM
Oh. I thought it was the second floor for the mansion.   An inn is good too. I'll put that near the mansion then. 

Nah, the mansion is just an example picture that came with the sprite set.  Useful for figuring out how the tiles work.

The Inn is my own game though I manually added the people and furniture to it. (I can currently add furniture for real now but haven't added all the pieces yet as I can't add them in game... only by code so far.)
210  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Pspeed's mansion on: January 28, 2016, 03:48:29 PM
Note: the bottom image is a tavern called "The Muddy Rogue"... which by the way is also the name of the game it is sitting in.

"The Muddy Rogue" works as a tavern/inn name but it's also kind of a double joke name.

Rogue being a cool old ASCII based RPG that has been redone enough as tile-based graphics games that it's now a whole 'rogue-like' genre.

MUD = multi-user dungeon being an old form of online text adventure, heavily RPG based, and sometimes even with ASCII graphics interfaces but mostly not.

So I thought "The Muddy Rogue" was a fitting name for a multi-user rogue-like game.
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