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286  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Game fixed on: October 24, 2015, 11:23:03 AM
You have to put the files together in the same folder.

Does this mean you have it working now?

Yes, you have to unzip the zip into one folder.  It will have a 'lib' sub-directory in it and a .exe file.  Some people try to run the application by opening the .zip file and running it directly from there but that doesn't work.  So I tried to make sure you were unzipping the files.

If you are still having trouble running the game and you know how to open a command line then I can show you other things you can check.
287  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Game not running on Windows Vista on: October 23, 2015, 09:57:27 PM
...and if there is no error log, make sure you have Java installed and that you aren't trying to run the app directly from the .zip file or something.
288  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Game not running on Windows Vista on: October 23, 2015, 09:37:14 PM
Sorry you are having trouble.

Please look in the directory where you ran the game and check for an error log.  Posting it might help.

Edit: and if there is no error log, make sure you have Java installed and that you aren't trying to run the app directly from the .zip file or something.
289  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Count To 100 on: October 14, 2015, 12:01:53 AM

Let the games begin.

seitsemän (Finnish)

Spanish, English, Binary,German, French, Finnish, and Tagalog.

You skipped 6... so I will continue skipping six.

10 (Octal)
290  General Category / General Discussion / Re: The MMORPG and the Issue of the Learning Cliff on: October 11, 2015, 05:16:14 PM
Actually, what I find interesting about games with classic XP models is not how they implement it... but how they decide where to stop streamlining the grind process.

I mean, where do you draw the line of letting me teleport around everywhere or providing me with all kinds of HUD information to make my job easier?  How do you decide you've gone too far?

Because frankly, I'd be much more engaged in quests if, for example, I didn't have a little arrow pointing to exactly where I needed to go or putting a giant green flag above the NPC's head that I need t to talk to.  Granted, quests would be a lot more painful but then don't make me do so many of them.
291  General Category / General Discussion / Re: The MMORPG and the Issue of the Learning Cliff on: October 11, 2015, 05:13:13 PM
My issue with most simulated fishing is the fact that all you have to do to reel in a big fish is smash a button or do the same thing you did for every other fish when reeling it in. You can do that with small fish, but trying to fight a larger fish like that is more likely to damage your gear or yourself than anything. A marlin thrashing around on deck can spear you, and letting the line become slack is a great opportunity for a fish to break the line or unhook itself; likewise, having the rod at too steep of an angle or reeling too hard can also snap your line or rod. I could go on for hours about the significant challenges when fishing, but I think you get the idea. Hopefully the fishing system in Mythruna can keep me on my toes.

That level of interaction requires real time networking and most MMORPGs are not really real time.  They are click-to-roll-dice with fancy graphics.  This was true of WoW, it's true of Final Fantasy, etc..  I think unknowledgable players would probably argue with me but I can easily prove it in all cases.

Mythruna won't be an MMORPG (no 'massive') and it will be real time networked.  I have no idea what I will do for fishing, though.

One day there will be a procedurally generated MMORPG that doesn't need XP, though. It'll come around. It will be mostly skill based, too, I wager. That, and it will likely have spectacular attention to detail. Wink

I think you will hopefully get to witness first hand all of the pushback I get for Mythruna not having XP.  It's so ingrained now that people just expect it.

And XP really is an ouroboros.  "Why is this 'package delivery' quest so low in XP?"  "Well, because you can just teleport right to where you want to go."  "Why is there so much easy teleporting everywhere?"  "Well, because no one would want to walk fifty times to deliver some package for the wizard."  "Why do I have to walk fifty times to deliver a package for a wizard?"  "Well, to earn more XP."  "Well, why can't one quest just give you more XP and we not have teleport?"  "Well, you will still end up doing a lot of quests..."

"Why does a sword cost me 100 gold to buy but I can only sell it for 1 gold."  "Well, because when you slaughter fifty goblins you'd get rich and flood the market."  "Why would I slaughter 50 goblins?"  "Well, because you need to earn that XP."  "Why is a goblin's XP so low?"  "Well, because you will be slaughtering 50 of them."  "?!?!?"
292  General Category / General Discussion / Re: The MMORPG and the Issue of the Learning Cliff on: October 11, 2015, 11:40:29 AM
Well, if they have to incentivize you to do X by forcing your hand through XP, then they didn't design it well. If it's not fun, you don't implement it in the game. That's how I see it, anyway. There are plenty of games that do fishing very well, actually. LoZ: TP, for instance, had a pretty responsive fishing system that I enjoyed for a good few hours(long enough to get the hylian loach, at least). Even animal crossing did fishing pretty well despite oversimplifying it a bit. Real life Enjoyable fishing is definitely NOT pressing two buttons.

Real life fishing is a whole lot of standing around.  They got that right.

It's more than just hitting two buttons... but that's just the mechanic.  You also have to find the right places to fish for certain types of fish.  Use different baits in fresh water versus salt water, etc..  There is only so much they can do with a multiplayer game that doesn't support 'twitch' style actions.  I mean, even combat is essentially just clicking once you boil it down to its basics.

The tyranny of XP affects all XP-based games on some level.  There is always some point where you are doing something to add XP that you wouldn't have otherwise done.  Even good games like Fallout 3 fall into this trap from time to time.  There's grinding and there are the three or four different 'quest tropes' (deliver this package, get me 3 of these, etc.).

In fact, when trying to think of a game where I never felt I had to grind, I kept thinking of games and then remembering that they had no real XP.  The Tomb Raider from 2013 might be the best example of this because there was character building but there wasn't XP that I recall.  At least not that I recall... which already means something.  I know you picked up new materials to enhance your weapons and stuff.  There might have been a skill tree, also.  I never once remember killing things just to bump a stat, though.

Anyway, an MMORPG based on a limited world only has so much it can do.  It has to give people things to do while they wait for their friends to arrive... or give them opportunities to meet new folks, etc... and it has a strictly finite universe within which to do that.  Thus, grinding.
293  General Category / General Discussion / Re: The MMORPG and the Issue of the Learning Cliff on: October 11, 2015, 05:49:37 AM

...after three or four clickings around.  Still nothing tells you immediately how to use the tool itself, I guess.

I'm definitely not making that game.

It's so plain to me that XP-based games devolve into trading my time for XP doing stupidly repetitive tasks.  I spent like 1.5 hours in FFXIV fishing tonight... pretty much standing on a beach and hitting two buttons.  I'm nearly a level 20 fisherman now.  Personally, I'd rather only catch fish if I needed them for something (which was why I became a fisherman because I needed some coral for a leatherworking item).  But to 'catch' the coral, I had to work up to level 10 by repeatedly catching the same things and/or doing levequests which essentially had me catching certain numbers of the same things.

I mean, I kind of don't blame them.  When your world is limited to only the content you put into it then you have to make the space matter more.  You can't just say "I'm bored here" and walk an hour in one direction to discover totally new stuff.
294  General Category / General Discussion / Re: The MMORPG and the Issue of the Learning Cliff on: October 11, 2015, 12:39:55 AM
Did you ever figure any of it out?  Like using the axe?  I'm curious.

I struggle with how to solve this problem, myself.  In the end, crafting will be a choice that you can ignore.  So I hope that skill acquisition provides enough of a stepped tutorial that by that point your are ready to listen/watch/whatever.

I also hope that having a few sets of fixed actions for held items will help... and that you learn those as you go.  Also, tools like swords, shovels, pick-axes, etc. will have default modes for click.  Clicking will run a default action that doesn't give you much control but hopefully hints at how you'd drag the object to make the right motions to get control.  And for really repetitive things like digging with a pick-axe, you may almost always opt for the one-click mode.

And yeah, part of cooking will be opening the pots inventory and sticking stuff into it.  Cooking will be a tricky one because there is no 'physical' "good taste" that can be easily modeled.  If I end up having to fall back on preset recipes then I will gear the cooking interface to better support that.

I've been playing a lot (too much) of Final Fantasy 14 lately.  It's giving me lots of ideas on good/bad stuff.  The HUD in that game is simply overwhelming.  I find it quite interesting how pervasive the 'XP problem' is because if you trace things back they almost always come back to XP.  An XP-less game will be a very grand experiment.
295  General Category / General Discussion / Re: I'm thinking of incentivizing contests. on: October 10, 2015, 01:06:10 AM
It could be that the active community is too small for something like this to work right now... but I guess you will be able to gauge from responses.

Personally, I wrote the game and even _I_ wouldn't chuck $20-30 a month away on advertising right now.
296  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Derver down! on: October 09, 2015, 11:48:23 PM
I'm getting the no UDP messages error, which I think means it's down.
I got a new laptop that runs single-player quite fabulously and I'm anxious to take a look at my property at greater than 5 FPS.

Also, I forget: is the server login the same as our forum password? If not I've completely forgotten it.

I have reset the server.  Give it another shot when you get a chance.
297  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Spicing things up. - And Mythruna news! on: October 01, 2015, 10:29:02 PM
FYI: one of the reasons I've been communicating less the past couple weeks is because I had a close relative die (an uncle that was kind of like an older brother) and the travel and planning for travel on top of an already busy schedule has left little time for anything else.

So I should be around a bit more barring any new life issues cropping up.
298  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Hygiene in Mythruna? on: October 01, 2015, 10:24:47 PM
We'll see.  Didn't want to leave this hanging but neither do I have a better response for it. Smiley
299  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Will not open on: September 22, 2015, 12:59:59 AM
Well, that will reduce the clip so the game is taxing the memory much less.  I guess this is on single player?

As to fixing the issue when the problem occurs, if hitting F12 a bunch of time fixes it then it may just be because it forces a hard GC sometime because of all the churn.  (It's also possible something was hung and this kicks it in the butt but I don't think so.)

So when that happens, another thing you can try is pressing the 'x' key a few times as that will also force a GC directly. (It's what the key does.)

GC = "garbage collection"
300  General Category / General Discussion / Re: I like trains. on: September 20, 2015, 03:33:14 AM
So the plan is to have steampunk elements and airships, right?

... What about trains? I'd imagine that train fuel would be easier to get than the anti-gravity thingamabobs for ships.

Well, 'in game'-wise, laying rails is very expensive.  Ultimately, air and sea travel are cheaper.  The tri-guild syndicate will have that wired up pretty well.

Implementation-wise, the block terrain makes train tracks a pain.  Carts and wagons are also a problem... unless I want them to look silly.  I've considered having giant-wheel two-wheeled carts, but we'll see.  Probably just have some kind of large beast-of-burden.

I don't really think trains are in the cards and they don't really fit with my mental aesthetic.

I picked up Final Fantasy XIV on the PS4 the other day as it was on sale for $10.  That's very much closer to the technology level I was thinking.  They even have air ships (though they are dirigibles... which Mythruna will also have in addition to the anti-grav air ships).  It's been kind of inspiring in both positive and negative ways.  A lot of my thoughts re: complicated user interfaces are totally re-enforced by this game.  When you bombard the player with too much information then it's nearly as 'good' as giving them nothing at all, I think.
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