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Development / Blog / Re: I'm trying a thing...
on: March 22, 2018, 10:21:53 AM
I remember a much older post you made about how you also found it difficult to work on large, winding tasks, because it requires you to work on it for a few hours... To keep the information you know about it in your head as you work on it. (Because sleeping on it breaks that, and you no longer have everything sorted out in your brain like you did when you were working on it)
I'm really glad you've got something going, Paul; It sounds like you haven't exactly been in the greatest shape, mentally. My love goes out to you, and your family on this.
Modder's Workbench / Scripting / Re: flight?
on: July 08, 2015, 12:00:55 PM
Hmm. I take it that attempting to implement this in multiplayer is a more trying task. I can't quite recall if it was said to be irreconcilably so in another thread... Ah, now I remember. Clientside cubechange only works because the client behaves as its' own server when in singleplayer. Paul would need to install it onto the server, which is a nono to him. Nevertheless, this will be a boon to mythruna's builders. You may have just changed the face of Mythruna.  Next up: Paul installs the mod on his server (Albeit a different structured fly mod) for donators only on the donator forum! Or he... you know... Gives people fly privilege...
Modder's Workbench / Scripting / Re: FlyMod by CoderMusgrove
on: July 08, 2015, 11:58:56 AM
hnngh, my statue pit is in Paul's server.
Regardless, you've made an invaluable tool for Mythruna's builders. A tool that will no doubt see heavy use for many years. It's quite inspiring to see someone do so much for a stranger on the internet -- Though admittedly a well acquainted one. I'll soar through the skies and be the most graceful Croft head that ever lived, even if I build my statue on my feet.
"A tool that will no doubt see heavy use for many years." You made it seem like Mythruna will be stuck in this part of development for years... *looks at his join date* Wait a minute... :D
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 1 - Prep Phase
on: July 08, 2015, 11:55:18 AM
Gonna be honest...
... I've been playing Minecraft.
Heheh... my son and I started a new world on the PS4 Minecraft this weekend. One of the best survival worlds we've ever started as we spawned in a big open horse field by the water. Game was plentiful and we only had to worry about guarding three sides, really. Found lots of iron right below our starter base, decent caves nearby in all directions. We got it in our heads to create an underwater main base this time... that's the only hard thing we've done.  I also already have my patented sky base with the melon farm section (though no rooms or anything in this world as our ground base is fine so far). I've just been... ... Sight seeing... 
General Category / General Discussion / Re: A random idea...
on: June 29, 2015, 11:11:20 PM
The idea of a mold covering a place is interesting but the way you are describing it doesn't seem very realistic. A mold attacking grass and trees? Seems a bit far fetched. Plus mold is prettier as a blue color like that lint stuff you get out of a dryer. Black mold is scary and sounds like something that would come out of a cave.
... It isn't realistic. That's why I'm suggesting this in a forum for a fantasy themed game. The black mold isn't supposed to be pretty, its' very nature makes it extremely deadly... and having black mold that isn't black isn't very realistic.  Maybe it could be representing a dark magic source leaking from the afterlife part of the world in the game 
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Crop quality
on: June 29, 2015, 11:09:58 PM
Well if we are going for crops I say lets add in whatever stuff beer and other assorted alcohol is made out of.
Can't have a bar full of rough and tough adventurers without mead in their hands! Hehe.
Development / Blog / Re: Overcoming "fear of failure"...
on: June 29, 2015, 12:03:15 AM
 Good god. I have nothing to say besides how much I want to help. Or be there. Family isn't family without effort, and as saddening as it is to see all of this, I hope you all stay safe and pull through... And I hope your wife recovers faster than it would take. You and your family, stay awesome. And make sure to place the rest of us behind family  And sorry I've been gone for so long. Life has other plans for everyone, and it's daunting and horrible!