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1  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Issues with crashing. on: January 04, 2012, 11:24:15 PM
Your computer may need general maintenance, this should help.Delete all unwanted files and free Disk Space. Make sure at least 15% of your disk place should be empty.
Uninstall Click Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Cleanup, Select each of the drive that you use, the computer will figure out what all unnecessary files are staying at your system. Unwanted Programs. The programs that you use less often or never use...Uninstall them, You may install them back whenever you want from a back up CD, why keep them in the system?
Check for viruses and other malware, clean them if found. Scan you computer with up to date anti virus program.
Click Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Defragmentation. Run this application at least once a month.
Click start>Run.. Type msconfig>enter>Start Up. Uncheck the boxes for the programs that you think you may not use often.
Increase RAM of your system. If you have vista or windows 7 you could use ram boost.
2  Development / Features / Re: Scripted Dialogs on: January 04, 2012, 11:22:07 PM
Scripted dialogue Mail
I think most people would prefer a stand-alone e-mail application on the desktop or on the web, instead of reading and sending e-mail inside Messenger.
On a more technical note, this would be very hard to do with Plus! scripting alone. Sending mails may be somewhat doable (1), but to receive and manage e-mails you'd need to build a complete storage system for it.
I think there's already a variety of e-mail clients available, adding another one would only cause more trouble when you use more than one. For example, how would you copy mails between the Messenger client and a different one? Outlook provides a bunch of export options, do you expect that the Messenger client can interpret all these as well?
In my opinion, it's too complex and totally not necessary. Why reinvent the wheel?
3  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Low FPS on: January 02, 2012, 11:31:11 PM
My FPS has been inconsistent and has dropped across the board, with sporadic pauses. I purchased Skyrim for the PC, and have only been able to run it on the lowest settings possible at around 25 fps. My current setup is as follows:
OS Name   Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version    6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
System Model   G41MT-D3V
System Type   x64-based PC
Processor   Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date   Award Software International, Inc. F2, 3/9/2011
SMBIOS Version    2.4
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)   8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory   8.00 GB
Available Physical Memory   6.04 GB
Total Virtual Memory   16.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory   13.8 GB
Monitor   24-inch 1920x1080
Hard Drive   1 TB / ~700GB free space
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5450 (512mb)
Memory Size: 4351 MB
Core clock 650 MHz
Memory clock 700 Mhz
I went online and looked up any way possible to speed up my PC. I used GameBooster, CCleaner, TuneUp Utilities (Turbo Mode), as well as getting rid of unused applications and processes such as system restore, search, and just generally cleaning up my computer. I also switched Windows from Aero into Classic Mode (switching off all visual add-ons). I let Catalyst Control Center auto-tune over-clock and set it to the recommended settings.
I opened up Skyrim in 1360x768 resolution with High/Med settings and was reading around 26-27 fps with fraps. I felt like there had been an improvement. However, when I put the settings back down into Low at 1280x720, I was reading 25 fps yet again. I even removed Turbo mode from TuneUp, changed Windows 7 back into "7 Classic" and brought my graphics card back down to its normal clocking. I am still getting readings between 22fps and 31, but inconsistently.
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