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Development / Blog / Re: Big Foundational Progress
on: December 10, 2018, 06:42:18 PM
I'm glad you're developing in a way that best suites your schedule. Also seeing those guys flopped on the floor in a shrugging position is some /r/meirl material.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: ...and so the adventure begins.
on: June 01, 2018, 04:01:00 PM
I definitely get that. IT is more what I want to do professionally, however I do machining, 3d printing, and 3d modelling for fun. I could have gotten a mechanical engineering degree, but I personally think I'd get more enjoyment if I kept it as a hobby. If I may give you one piece of advice, make sure whatever you're going to college for will make you marketable in the job market. Everyone has their own opinions about what it means to go to college, but if you're paying thousands to tens of thousands of dollars a year it's best to make sure it's a sound investment. I think a minor sounds like a great idea since they typically don't extend your stay at college, and they make your resume stand out just a little bit more.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: ...and so the adventure begins.
on: May 31, 2018, 08:21:46 PM
What are you thinking of majoring in? If I were to guess it's computer science... I personally have an AS in Computer Information Systems and will get my BS in Computer Science next semester! Honestly I don't think I'm the greatest computer scientists but I bet you'll do great (assuming you're pursuing CS) since you seem to have the programmers mindset.
I've been working in a restaurant all throughout college. Definitely isn't a bad job to have. Considering how expensive room and board is these days it sounds like a really great deal for a summers worth of work.
General Category / Tech Support / Re: error on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 amd64
on: May 28, 2018, 07:39:32 PM
Uncaught exception from thread:Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,5,main] java.lang.NullPointerException at com.jme3.util.BufferUtils.destroyDirectBuffer( at com.jme3.util.BufferUtils.destroyDirectBuffer( at mythruna.geom.LeafMesh.deleteBuffers( at mythruna.client.view.LeafReference.deleteBuffers( at mythruna.client.view.LeafReference.applyUpdates( at mythruna.client.view.GeometryBuilder.applyUpdates( at mythruna.client.view.LocalArea.updateGeometry( at mythruna.client.GameAppState.update( at at at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop( at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop( at at java.base/
Build version:20120627
Memory usage: Working memory: 82% (199727504/243269632) VM Max: 37% (199727504/536870912)
Rendering caps: FrameBuffer FrameBufferMRT FrameBufferMultisample TextureMultisample OpenGL20 OpenGL21 OpenGL30 ARBprogram GLSL100 GLSL110 GLSL120 GLSL130 VertexTextureFetch TextureArray FloatTexture FloatColorBuffer FloatDepthBuffer PackedFloatTexture SharedExponentTexture PackedFloatColorBuffer NonPowerOfTwoTextures MeshInstancing VertexBufferArray
Statistics: Vertices = 315684 Triangles = 169990 Uniforms = 3284 Objects = 371 Shaders (S) = 37 Shaders (F) = 23 Shaders (M) = 26 Textures (S) = 127 Textures (F) = 70 Textures (M) = 81 FrameBuffers (S) = 5 FrameBuffers (F) = 4 FrameBuffers (M) = 4 Application settings: DepthBits = 24 UseInput = true FrameRate = -1 DisableJoysticks = true AudioRenderer = LWJGL VSync = false Samples = 0 StencilBits = 0 Renderer = LWJGL-OpenGL2 Frequency = 60 Height = 1080 Fullscreen = true BitsPerPixel = 24 Width = 1920
Display adapter information: Adapter:null Driver Version:null Vendor:Intel Open Source Technology Center Version:3.0 Mesa 18.0.0-rc5 Renderer:Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 (Kaby Lake GT2) GLSL Ver:1.30
Hey megdimka, next time just paste the error right into the comment box. How often are you getting this error? Based on the output of the two errors it doesn't seem to make a difference whether or not vsync is enabled.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Flora Idea Discussion
on: May 24, 2018, 09:14:42 AM
I definitely noticed that theres more to those ideas than what someone may be able to see at first glance. For story design, adding those dimensions are what captivates people. Or at least that's what captivates me.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Flora Idea Discussion
on: April 28, 2018, 10:14:58 PM
Blood meadows
A cursed/blessed biome not unlike the moon gardens, but... it's fleshy, there are no trees, the moon rises red, the daytime sky is red, and the sun is blackened by a dark energy coursing through the sky... In fact, the sun looks like the pupil of an eye in the sky. Creatures that would otherwise be inhibited during the daytime like eclipsids are able to roam freely, so it's not necessarily the safest place. It wouldn't necessarily be an evil or disgusting place, but it would preserve and fortify magicks surrounding the dead.
I particularly like that you chose not to intrinsically make this place evil. It's like perceiving death and darkness as a type of nature rather than as evil.