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General Category / General Discussion / Re: Air conditions
on: September 09, 2017, 11:07:02 PM
Think of it like oil and water. Oil, breathable air, floats on top of water, the toxic heavier air. Water stays at the bottom of a cave system, pushing the oil up unless there's a pump to keep the oil flowing into the deeper parts of the cave. Wikipedia has a great article on it. In order to avoid air toxicity in a mineyou need an active ventilation system like a fan. So the only difference here I see from what I suggested, after having viewed that link, is that the "shaft" or as I suggested, a large pipe, seems to have been burrowed down from the surface somehow and managed to locate the right spot it needed to, to be able to hit the mine filled with the gas. Instead of the miners digging up and risking sparking something with their tools. Putting a fan within said shaft might help if it is allowed in this game. Not sure if they had fans in medieval times. But still, a good idea regardless.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Flora Idea Discussion
on: September 09, 2017, 10:35:03 PM
Allready mentioned this in another topic awhile ago I'm pretty sure, but the topic must have been deleted or locked since then as I cannot find it. So here is this suggestion of mine from another thread. I saw it in a cartoon once. Looked pretty cool.
Some sort of large wide trunked tree. Maybe some sort of weeping willow/really thick oak hybrid or something. It mimics certain sounds through echo chamber-like mouth shaped holes in various areas along it's trunk to lure in prey. Usually mating calls or calls of distress.
The prey is tricked into getting close to a decent sized hole at it's base where the trunk meets the roots. Once the prey is close enough, one of two things happens. Either the earth briefly rumbles under the prey's feet, causing it to trip up and slide towards the hole, or the prey is pulled down toward the hole by the roots, seeming to move of their own volition.
Either way, the prey is bound to wind up going in the hole that stretches open like a mouth to accommodate whatever size the prey is. Only then does the prey notice several circular rows of sharp pointy shark-like teeth descending into the hole. Rows of teeth that seem to rotate when the prey gets dangerously close to sliding into the hole, like the blades of a blender or food processor. Ready to dice up the prey and make it into a puree.
General Category / Announcements / Re: Router swap...
on: September 08, 2017, 03:51:02 AM
New problem issue. Dunno if it's just me or everyone this is happening to. It's timing out when I try to log into the online server.
I've tried everything I can think of on my end. Switching on and off my internet, rebooting my computer, fiddling with my breaker box. No matter what I do, I get mythruna window to open, I get the online session to look like it's loading for like 5 seconds.. Then it just freezes for a bit before a red screen block appears on the screen producing this.
error connecting to server
connectexception:connection timed out: connection
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Air conditions
on: September 08, 2017, 03:40:03 AM
I cant speak for most of it, but the underground or cave based air breathing issues seems easy to fix. Mine a hole to the surface and put a grate over it so people don't fall in.
Or build some sort of underground air piping system like old fashioned stoves used to have.
Doesn't seem that difficult to me.
Trouble is, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and pretty much everything heavier than oxygen are going to want to go as low as possible... That's why hitting a gas vent underground is super dangerous. Hitting a gas vent or anything around it would be dangerous cause gas vents are usually so deep into the ground that it's difficult to dig out before you suffocate on the fumes. Or if you hit the vent itself by accident, you'll get a facefull of fumes and die. Or if you try to dig out, you risk igniting a spark in the process from your tools scrapping against something and turning the whole cavern into a giant fireball. That about what your trying to say?
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Flora Idea Discussion
on: September 08, 2017, 03:31:45 AM
dna type pattern
That's a double helix. Probs not what you want lol Ooh. No I guess not. I was thinking of those old roman columns that have that twisting spiraling shape crawling up them. Like how a snake likes to twist and coil around the base of something diagonally until it reaches the top. Or like a coil of rope if it was coiled around something. But you know, on a tree.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Air conditions
on: September 07, 2017, 09:32:36 PM
I cant speak for most of it, but the underground or cave based air breathing issues seems easy to fix. Mine a hole to the surface and put a grate over it so people don't fall in.
Or build some sort of underground air piping system like old fashioned stoves used to have.
Doesn't seem that difficult to me.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Flora Idea Discussion
on: September 07, 2017, 08:43:31 PM
A fruit salad tree sounds enjoyable. One of those big wide branching oaks who's very wood is shaped in a spiral or dna type pattern, almost as if multiple trees tried to grow in the same spot and ended up bending and twisting around each other and winds up producing the various fruits you might find in a fruit salad.
Possibly with some sort of multi-berry bush growing up around it's base. Like a blackberry briar patch/bramble bush but filled with all sorts of different edible berry types.
Make it a bit more of a challenge to get to the tree fruit and also risk injuring yourself if you try to pick the berries.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Flora Idea Discussion
on: September 07, 2017, 08:38:42 PM
Some sort of carnivorous thorn bush found in the undergrowth of forests. The thorns prick the skin and paralyze the victim like some sort of spider venom, then, once the paralysis has fully taken hold, the ground immediately around the creature or person becomes like quicksand, sucking them down to be wrapped up in the roots to nourish the plant and quickly mummify the person or creature encased there within.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Mob Idea Discussion
on: September 07, 2017, 08:30:50 PM
Some sort of burrowing snake or worm like creature that lives in hot dry areas and launches up out of the ground when you least expect it, to attack your face, or head in general, with various rows of sharp pointy teeth in it's almost starfish like mouth.
Like a small, maybe less ugly version of tremors or something.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Chat Lounge
on: September 07, 2017, 08:17:36 PM
Can we get a quick roll call?
I'm still here in a sense. Just cant come on here a lot lately and the actual game absolutely refuses to let me join the online session these days no matter what I do. Also, it took me forever to find the correct profile section to change my name, but now that I have... *drumroll* Presenting, Duff Beer!! Oh Yeah!
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Chat Lounge
on: September 07, 2017, 08:12:18 PM
Can we get a quick roll call?
I'm still here in a sense. Just cant come on here a lot lately and the actual game absolutely refuses to let me join the online session these days no matter what I do.