Every now and then I still poke at this story, prodding it along a bit. There is more to Shasour's tale that I'm not ready to post yet but the following chapter shifts characters for a bit.
Here is that chapter introducing a new character.
Kyra smoothed down the black fur on her forearms and dabbed the blood at
the corner of her mouth with her thumb. She spat a short stream of
red-tinted saliva onto the pantherian male laying unconscious in a heap at
her feet.
The adrenaline rush was waning and she surveyed the damage she had
inflicted. Tam's short cropped mane was sticky with blood and his face was
covered in scratches. His wide nose was broken and bleeding. She hadn't
intended to make it personal but her emotions had gotten the better of her.
Tam would be scarred but he would live. Maybe even be wiser for it.
She nudged him onto his back with her toe. "Drag this cur to his bedroll",
she ordered without taking her eyes from him. It would be a while before
he slept in hers again, she thought.
She knew familiarity always led to this sort of insubordination. Though
mistakes had clearly been made, it was not his place to call them out or
assign her the blame, and certainly not in the middle of a meeting. She
could kick herself now for fraternizing with Tam so frequently.
Still, he had been the most handsome option among a group of poor choices.
Mercenaries were not known for their good looks, after all. She shook off
the thought. More than ever, discipline and strategy had to trump carnal
Kyra watched as Mara and one of the other males dragged Tam out of the
circle. All other eyes waited patiently for Kyra to speak but she waited
for Mara to return and sit down at her right side before continuing.
"As I was saying", and she spat again for effect. "We made the decision to
come here based on good information. All of the pack leaders were in
agreement at the time that this was a good opportunity to get paid. Maybe
the gold was even a little too good but it was still worth checking out."
She looked around at the other females for agreement. They all nodded and
stiffened a little as if to ward off further argument from the rest of the
"Now that we are stuck here there is no longer any use arguing about the
hows", she continued. "I'm tired of hiding in a cave like a lizard man.
Or sitting around by the fire just thinking all day like some fat old
"Here! Here!", shouted Mara amongst a chorus of vocal agreement from the
When the noise abated Kyra continued, "We only have bad options but at
least they are clear enough."
Her tongue played with the tips of her fangs as if counting them and
recounting them while she let that idea sink into the group. She walked
toward the mouth of the cave and pointed in the rough direction of town,
dark rain obscuring the view beyond a few feet.
Kyra chose her words carefully, "We can stay here, safe and snug in our
little cave, hoping the Whispers don't find us and waiting for some other
air ship to make port with the tower in town." She looked around the room
making sure everyone was bristling appropriately at the thought of further
"Or", she continued and pointed in roughly the opposite direction, "we can
take matters into our own hands and head overland to one of the other
towns." And hope the Whispers haven't made it there yet, she thought to
"Either we find another transport off of this lump or we improve our
options in some other way", she said with a shrug. "Maybe we even find out
what happened to our contact."
She walked back to the center of the circle near the fire, admiring the
tall shadow her body cast on the wall. She looked over towards Tam still
unconscious in a lump on his bedroll.
"Now", she emphasized the first word as if speaking directly to Tam, "is
the time for discussion if there is any to be had."
She stood waiting. Mara stood without hesitation and walked to Kyra's
side. Soon, the rest of the commanders joined her by the fire. No further
discussion would be necessary.
"Get your things in order and get some rest. We leave when the dawn mist
is still fresh on the grass", she said before heading to her own bedroll.
Sleep came quickly despite the bruises Tam had inflicted. Soon her head
filled with dreams haunted by thoughts of the Whispers, a nightmare having
somehow returned to the world from legend.
The rain had stopped but the morning mists hung thick in the air. The
shadowy trees stood as dark sentinels around the mercenaries and the fog
swallowed the sounds of their passing. The squish of boots in mud was all
that could be heard as the armed panther-men made their way through the
Pants and boots were the only consistent clothing among them but each male
carried a wide array of weaponry of different shapes and sizes. Knives
were strapped along their midriffs or in belts and at least two swords at
each waist, sometimes three or four. A very few even carried longbows.
All of them had shields strapped over their backs.
Their fur colors also varied. More than half of the men had thick black
coats, some with manes down to their waist. Others were various shades of
gray or brown. Only two of the men had spotted patterns over their bodies.
These two had no mane to speak of and the spots stopped short of their head
and chest.
Despite the differences in their appearance, there was a uniformity to
them. They moved as one unit, a well trained column of fifty fighters
marching double-file through the underbrush.
Kyra and the other women were not among them.
She and the ten other female commanders were scouting the flanks in a long
staggered V formation. They ran silently through the trees, running
serpentine through the growth, not even leaving footprints behind. Fanning
out behind the V were the other fifty female warriors. Ghosts in the mist,
the pantherian women covered sixty or more paces to either side of the
column and another twenty or so paces bringing up the rear.
Counter to the variety of the males, each woman wore one of two uniforms
depending on her status. The regular warriors and lieutenants wore
brown-green leather pants with a black leather vest. Instead of boots or
shoes, their feet were strapped with leather around the toes and calf,
leaving the majority of the hairless foot and heel exposed.
Over one shoulder, each warrior sheathed a curved sword strapped carefully
to their backs. Holstered on either side of their abdomens were pantherian
fighting daggers. The curved razor sharp knives were distinct with a
serrated section guarding the handle. In the hands of a trained
panther-female, the blades were swift and deadly.
The commanders each wore black cloth pants and a minimal armless black
shirt with a wide open neck. The weapons complement was the same except
that half the women had a second sword and the other half had a short bow
and copse of arrows strapped over the other shoulder.
So it was that this cloud of barely checked death-in-waiting passed
silently over the island of Martoc. Hours passed with no other sign of
civilization or wildlife.
Kyra waved to her right, pointed at her eyes with two fingers and then to
an outcropping ahead and to the right. She repeated this signal to her
left and then took off at a double run.
The straight run felt good and her muscles were aching for more when she
reached the top of the bluff. Constantly keeping apace with the column in
slow zigzagging sprints always made her antsy. She thought about taking a
small scouting party ahead but knew it was just an excuse to run flat-out
for a while. Sacrificing tactical advantage for personal desires would
have to wait for another time. It seemed to be a recurring theme, lately.
From a pocket on her thigh, she pulled a small spyglass and surveyed the
surrounding area. The sun was high in the sky now and had long ago burned
off the fog. To the west, the valley they had traveled stretched away to
the mountain pass. Farther than she could see would be the now-deserted
town of Goldpoint. There were no signs that they had been followed but
that was not particularly surprising. If the legends are to be believed
then the Whispers don't travel during the day anyway.
To the east, the rolling hills continued, punctuated by stands of trees and
cut with the occasional stream. This grassland ended abruptly at some
jagged cliffs another half days travel away. She frowned and then started
poking the tip of her left fang with her tongue.
Mara crept up silently behind her commander. Kyra handed back her spyglass
without even looking over her shoulder. Mara looked a little dejected at
the lack of surprise but Kyra's second-in-command took the spyglass just
the same.
"Hmmm...", Mara said while scanning the horizon, "I suppose it would be too
much to ask for a stairway?" She hissed a small chuckle before continuing,
"Or at least a pass."
"There should be a break a bit to the north", said Kyra. "According to the
maps, Fairlyn should be up there somewhere and there should be a cut in the
Mara interjected, "Though, it wouldn't be the first information we've
gotten wrong on this trip."
Kyra nodded shortly. "I'm still betting that what happened at Goldpoint is
responsible for our missed meeting."
Mara handed her back the spyglass and Kyra smoothly slipped it back into
its pocket before adding, "Something about this makes my teeth twitch."
Mara nodded and said, "Anyway, the muscle-heads are catching up to us."
Kyra stretched her legs and smiled, "Hmmm, if we pick up the pace then we
can hopefully make Fairlyn before dusk." She smiled at Mara and took off
at a full run, leaving her friend to fall in behind her.
A dozen seconds later, Kyra and Mara returned to formation and signaled the
other commanders to change pace. Within minutes the orders were passed
down the line and the column began to move at a quick-march.
Kyra hoped her map was correct. If not, there would be a long and dangerous
night ahead of them.