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Author Topic: Weekly update 2013/11/25...  (Read 14245 times)
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« on: November 26, 2013, 02:44:31 AM »

I dabbled in lots of things this week but the inventory is getting closer and closer to being done.  Like, really done.

The most recent thing was the right-click actions for an object.  This is even more advanced than it was in the old engine as the actions are easier to define (for modders) and the list can more easily update itself based on conditions, targets, etc..  Trust me it's more-better.

Here we have an example of hovering over an object to see it's "tooltip" style flyover text popup.  Then I right click on it to bring up its menu... this menu really only has one option.  I "Equip" the wand by clicking that entry and then I right click on the object again to check its menu.  "Equip" is no longer in the menu and now I have "Unequip".

The scripts are executed to make this happen and they actually fall through a few scripts to do it.  For example, on the item I call "Equip" it then turns around to the player and says "equip this in the right hand".  The player object then tries to unequip anything it is holding in its right hand.  If any of these steps fail for whatever reason then the whole operation fails.

Next will be to actually update the hand orbs to show what is really being held.  They are still hard-coded to the build wand.  We're heading into Thanksgiving break here soon and I'd really like to get the axe doing something if I can.  I also want to get the pen and paper working (and maybe get paper stacks working properly).

In addition to playing with inventory, I started playing again with the avatar a bit.  I had to find out how to make her look like she was holding stuff, position the attachment node properly, and rotate the wrist+hand into a position that was good for casual-carry.  I also had to figure out a few different grip sizes.  Many of you already saw these pictures elsewhere.  But I'll include it here again for context:

The thing is, positioning her in my test program is really tedious.  I can position her in blender but then I still need to write down all of the values to do something with it.  I started creating a separate dev-tool to pose the avatar model.  I spent some time creating a blender-style axes manipulator.  It actually went together pretty quickly but then I spent 5 hours or so debugging a change of basis issue.  I will return to it soon.

Here is a video of an early version scaled up:

The idea is that I would expose the "bones" of the animation skeleton to let the user (me) select them and then get one of these manipulators (smaller of course) attached to that bone.  Also, the bones themselves would be draggable in a manner similar to in blender.  Once I have the inventory more complete and the hand-UI updating, I plan to return to this poser tool... it has a lot to offer.

...see one of the things in the future will be to try to incorporate a simple IK solver into the avatar's skeleton.  This will help place her feet where appropriate but also allow things like more easily manipulating the sword arm.  I'm really keen to play with that since it's one of the two "maybe impossible" things related to weapon control... and of the two, it's the more critical.

Hopefully good things continue this week.
Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 06:03:30 AM »

Wow, Paul, this is highly intriguing. Smiley
Out of curiosity for two things, what does IK stand for, from this quote:
Quote from: pspeed
...see one of the things in the future will be to try to incorporate a simple IK solver into the avatar's skeleton.

— and also, your right click popup menus are just customized message boxes, are they not? Reason I ask this is because recently I have been messing with custom components.
Hero Member
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« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 07:24:25 AM »

so much screenshots and progress. i like it. next thing you know we'll be creating our characters, and destroying ecosystems.

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« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2013, 09:15:30 AM »

Wow, Paul, this is highly intriguing. Smiley
Out of curiosity for two things, what does IK stand for, from this quote:
Quote from: pspeed
...see one of the things in the future will be to try to incorporate a simple IK solver into the avatar's skeleton.

— and also, your right click popup menus are just customized message boxes, are they not? Reason I ask this is because recently I have been messing with custom components.

IK = inverse kinematics.

It's a PopupMenu class that I wrote for this purpose and it's an extension of a Lemur Container.  It's all part of the scene not a swing window or something if that's what you mean.
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« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2013, 12:43:28 PM »

Cool to see continuing progress!
Hero Member
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« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2013, 06:12:36 PM »

I dabbled in lots of things this week but the inventory is getting closer and closer to being done.  Like, really done.

The most recent thing was the right-click actions for an object.  This is even more advanced than it was in the old engine as the actions are easier to define (for modders) and the list can more easily update itself based on conditions, targets, etc..  Trust me it's more-better.

Here we have an example of hovering over an object to see it's "tooltip" style flyover text popup.  Then I right click on it to bring up its menu... this menu really only has one option.  I "Equip" the wand by clicking that entry and then I right click on the object again to check its menu.  "Equip" is no longer in the menu and now I have "Unequip".

The scripts are executed to make this happen and they actually fall through a few scripts to do it.  For example, on the item I call "Equip" it then turns around to the player and says "equip this in the right hand".  The player object then tries to unequip anything it is holding in its right hand.  If any of these steps fail for whatever reason then the whole operation fails.

Next will be to actually update the hand orbs to show what is really being held.  They are still hard-coded to the build wand.  We're heading into Thanksgiving break here soon and I'd really like to get the axe doing something if I can.  I also want to get the pen and paper working (and maybe get paper stacks working properly).

In addition to playing with inventory, I started playing again with the avatar a bit.  I had to find out how to make her look like she was holding stuff, position the attachment node properly, and rotate the wrist+hand into a position that was good for casual-carry.  I also had to figure out a few different grip sizes.  Many of you already saw these pictures elsewhere.  But I'll include it here again for context:

The thing is, positioning her in my test program is really tedious.  I can position her in blender but then I still need to write down all of the values to do something with it.  I started creating a separate dev-tool to pose the avatar model.  I spent some time creating a blender-style axes manipulator.  It actually went together pretty quickly but then I spent 5 hours or so debugging a change of basis issue.  I will return to it soon.

Here is a video of an early version scaled up:

The idea is that I would expose the "bones" of the animation skeleton to let the user (me) select them and then get one of these manipulators (smaller of course) attached to that bone.  Also, the bones themselves would be draggable in a manner similar to in blender.  Once I have the inventory more complete and the hand-UI updating, I plan to return to this poser tool... it has a lot to offer.

...see one of the things in the future will be to try to incorporate a simple IK solver into the avatar's skeleton.  This will help place her feet where appropriate but also allow things like more easily manipulating the sword arm.  I'm really keen to play with that since it's one of the two "maybe impossible" things related to weapon control... and of the two, it's the more critical.

Hopefully good things continue this week.

after this the only thing stopping you from releasing a basic working version of adventure mode will be adding a few more crafting materials and optionally adding some dumb prey mobs (they would be nice if you could add them don't have to though)

Hero Member
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« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2013, 07:15:55 PM »

after this the only thing stopping you from releasing a basic working version of adventure mode will be adding a few more crafting materials and optionally adding some dumb prey mobs (they would be nice if you could add them don't have to though)

Well, to manage expectations a bit... the new engine is still missing a bunch of things that the old engine had: networking, blueprint editing, properties, sounds, probably some other things I'm forgetting.

...but many of those things become easier now.
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« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2013, 07:16:36 PM »

And that being said... someone was nice enough to provide me with an animated rat model.  So now the first creature in Mythruna is likely to be a rat. Smiley
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« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2013, 07:25:24 PM »

I like how this is shaping up.

"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2013, 02:45:52 AM »

looking good paul. keep working hard!!!!

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« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2013, 03:46:32 PM »

Woo! Looking good.

Mythruna: Don't you dare read any posts I made before 2014.
Hero Member
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« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2013, 03:59:18 PM »

And that being said... someone was nice enough to provide me with an animated rat model.  So now the first creature in Mythruna is likely to be a rat. Smiley
then its decided my first mythrunian meal will be roasted rat  Tongue

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