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Author Topic: Races  (Read 164181 times)
Hero Member
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« Reply #90 on: September 10, 2012, 09:47:47 PM »

This all looks amazing, the races, the weather, the backstory, the magic, the (hopefully emerald green) dragon, it all sounds engaging and lots of fun! keep up the good work Paul! I've been thinking about this game nonstop and i have been toying with many ideas in the direction I hope/wish mythruna is going. I'm going to start brainstorming and soon will start a big post on concepts i'd like in this forum section, i hope i can help in any way.

Thanks for the kind words and vote of confidence.  Please don't be too disappointed if I don't pick up ideas directly.  I have a list of features longer than my arm already... and never enough time to work on them it seems. Smiley
Hero Member
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« Reply #91 on: September 10, 2012, 10:05:52 PM »

I'm glad you say that, because my brainstorming is purely for your use and benefit, and is only meant as my personal suggestion box, spanning both concepts and features. I just want to try and bring a different perspective to things so you can make the best game it can be. and if my ideas get put in thats only a bonus Smiley

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« Reply #92 on: September 10, 2012, 10:13:04 PM »

Cool.  I just don't want people to get disappointed and leave in a huff. Smiley
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« Reply #93 on: September 10, 2012, 10:20:33 PM »

haha no, i believe in you Paul. Just expect to start hearing alot from me!

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Windows 7 64bit ; Intel Quad Core ; 8GB RAM ; AMD Radeon HD 6800 ; TB HD
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« Reply #94 on: September 11, 2012, 01:43:32 PM »

This all looks amazing, the races, the weather, the backstory, the magic, the (hopefully emerald green) dragon, it all sounds engaging and lots of fun! keep up the good work Paul! I've been thinking about this game nonstop and i have been toying with many ideas in the direction I hope/wish mythruna is going. I'm going to start brainstorming and soon will start a big post on concepts i'd like in this forum section, i hope i can help in any way.

Thanks for the kind words and vote of confidence.  Please don't be too disappointed if I don't pick up ideas directly.  I have a list of features longer than my arm already... and never enough time to work on them it seems. Smiley

When I was PM'ing you about help for installing groovy, if i posted it or you remember "If i learn how to use groovy, maybe i can help you in development in mythruna" Wink gettin' from a 12-year old, best thing ever!! Cheesy
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« Reply #95 on: November 16, 2012, 04:02:17 PM »

Your Idea for races is amazing and I thought of an idea using simple logic. The simians and Elves may brawl but all the races minus the Avians could have embassy's where even rival races would probably be at for supplies help whatever and have small battles or fights between them that the player or NPC's that own the territory break up and gain favor. I know I am asking alot but it seems a plausible idea
Hero Member
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« Reply #96 on: November 16, 2012, 05:53:21 PM »

Your Idea for races is amazing and I thought of an idea using simple logic. The simians and Elves may brawl but all the races minus the Avians could have embassy's where even rival races would probably be at for supplies help whatever and have small battles or fights between them that the player or NPC's that own the territory break up and gain favor. I know I am asking alot but it seems a plausible idea

Yeah, we'll see.  Most of the races will keep to themselves but in the larger human and simian cities there are bound to be places where particular races hang out.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #97 on: December 07, 2012, 12:57:55 PM »

I literally only heard about this game yesterday and already everything else I have ever played seems inadequate by comparison to this masterpiece you are creating here.
There's only one thing, I think, that's missing that I, personally, have always been disappointed to find missing in big RPG games. A playable water-dwelling race that's as big and populate as those living on land.
Potentially you could have large towns and cities underwater with large markers above the water's surface so land-races could locate them for trade and such and areas where trapped bubbles of air allow air-breathing races to explore. You could also have the smaller towns (or possibly equally large yet less open-minded) without the air-bubbles and markers attempting to remain as isolated as possible.
These water-dwelling people could be advantaged in the obvious ability to breathe underwater and see clearer in water and could be disadvantaged with poorer sight out of the water and having their fatigue greatly affected by their hydration. They could also have smaller inventory space out of the water as they're used to their possessions weighing less. I'd imagine they'd not get on well with many races due to the drastic differences in their accustomed environments but would have a particular distrust for Avians (as would the Avians for them) based on how incredibly minimal interaction is between the species and would have a mutual hatred for Pantherians based on the Pantherian hatred of water but could be likely to get on with Reptilians as they share their ability to breathe underwater but would consider them foolish for forsaking the water to make homes upon the land.
The water creatures would be easily lost underground and on land but would innately be able to locate the nearest source of water and would be, by far, the best sea-navigators but would be unlikely to work on board a ship - partly because most captains would insist upon an avian navigator for their weather-sensing abilities, mostly because living so close to the water yet not being able to go in is a seemingly torturous experience to them - however they would be the most talented and successful sellers of seacharts.

I feel like I'm going on too much.... I'll stop now...... Tongue

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« Reply #98 on: December 07, 2012, 01:06:39 PM »

I think Paul said some of the reptilians will still live under water.
Hero Member
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« Reply #99 on: December 07, 2012, 01:42:03 PM »

I think Paul said some of the reptilians will still live under water.

Yep.  I even have a conceptual idea in mind for how their cities will look.
Hero Member
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« Reply #100 on: December 07, 2012, 01:46:13 PM »

I literally only heard about this game yesterday and already everything else I have ever played seems inadequate by comparison to this masterpiece you are creating here.
There's only one thing, I think, that's missing that I, personally, have always been disappointed to find missing in big RPG games. A playable water-dwelling race that's as big and populate as those living on land.
Potentially you could have large towns and cities underwater with large markers above the water's surface so land-races could locate them for trade and such and areas where trapped bubbles of air allow air-breathing races to explore. You could also have the smaller towns (or possibly equally large yet less open-minded) without the air-bubbles and markers attempting to remain as isolated as possible.
These water-dwelling people could be advantaged in the obvious ability to breathe underwater and see clearer in water and could be disadvantaged with poorer sight out of the water and having their fatigue greatly affected by their hydration. They could also have smaller inventory space out of the water as they're used to their possessions weighing less. I'd imagine they'd not get on well with many races due to the drastic differences in their accustomed environments but would have a particular distrust for Avians (as would the Avians for them) based on how incredibly minimal interaction is between the species and would have a mutual hatred for Pantherians based on the Pantherian hatred of water but could be likely to get on with Reptilians as they share their ability to breathe underwater but would consider them foolish for forsaking the water to make homes upon the land.
The water creatures would be easily lost underground and on land but would innately be able to locate the nearest source of water and would be, by far, the best sea-navigators but would be unlikely to work on board a ship - partly because most captains would insist upon an avian navigator for their weather-sensing abilities, mostly because living so close to the water yet not being able to go in is a seemingly torturous experience to them - however they would be the most talented and successful sellers of seacharts.

I feel like I'm going on too much.... I'll stop now...... Tongue

After reading this i instantly imagined the underwater race in star wars with the giant bubbles and then citys within them also how they seemed angery towards the human people seems similar to what you said Tongue btw welcome to the mythruna community :]

Say the opposite of these words:
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« Reply #101 on: December 07, 2012, 02:18:26 PM »

I literally only heard about this game yesterday and already everything else I have ever played seems inadequate by comparison to this masterpiece you are creating here.
There's only one thing, I think, that's missing that I, personally, have always been disappointed to find missing in big RPG games. A playable water-dwelling race that's as big and populate as those living on land.
Potentially you could have large towns and cities underwater with large markers above the water's surface so land-races could locate them for trade and such and areas where trapped bubbles of air allow air-breathing races to explore. You could also have the smaller towns (or possibly equally large yet less open-minded) without the air-bubbles and markers attempting to remain as isolated as possible.
These water-dwelling people could be advantaged in the obvious ability to breathe underwater and see clearer in water and could be disadvantaged with poorer sight out of the water and having their fatigue greatly affected by their hydration. They could also have smaller inventory space out of the water as they're used to their possessions weighing less. I'd imagine they'd not get on well with many races due to the drastic differences in their accustomed environments but would have a particular distrust for Avians (as would the Avians for them) based on how incredibly minimal interaction is between the species and would have a mutual hatred for Pantherians based on the Pantherian hatred of water but could be likely to get on with Reptilians as they share their ability to breathe underwater but would consider them foolish for forsaking the water to make homes upon the land.
The water creatures would be easily lost underground and on land but would innately be able to locate the nearest source of water and would be, by far, the best sea-navigators but would be unlikely to work on board a ship - partly because most captains would insist upon an avian navigator for their weather-sensing abilities, mostly because living so close to the water yet not being able to go in is a seemingly torturous experience to them - however they would be the most talented and successful sellers of seacharts.

I feel like I'm going on too much.... I'll stop now...... Tongue

After reading this i instantly imagined the underwater race in star wars with the giant bubbles and then citys within them also how they seemed angery towards the human people seems similar to what you said Tongue btw welcome to the mythruna community :]
Jr. Member
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« Reply #102 on: December 07, 2012, 03:14:57 PM »

I think Paul said some of the reptilians will still live under water.

Yep.  I even have a conceptual idea in mind for how their cities will look.

:O You're actually planning underwater cities? I'm gonna go ahead and bow down now....

Seriously, though, that sounds amazing, anything you can share on the underwater city concepts?

After reading this i instantly imagined the underwater race in star wars with the giant bubbles and then citys within them also how they seemed angery towards the human people seems similar to what you said Tongue
Haven't watched Star Wars in a loooong time, think I was about 8 or 9 years old. Tried to watch it since but I really can't get into it.

btw welcome to the mythruna community :]

Thank you.

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« Reply #103 on: December 07, 2012, 04:12:10 PM »

Blasphemer, not getting into SW lol
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« Reply #104 on: December 07, 2012, 04:57:30 PM »

Blasphemer, not getting into SW lol
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