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« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2012, 10:09:05 AM » |
Wow, I guess I really missed the memo about this game mode thing. derp.
Don't feel bad. I think I only went into any remote detail on it the changelogs. Who reads those things anyway?  Well, I assume you do  Regarding the raw materials, I had an idea that the build wands are really a type of portal that sends the stuff to warehouses somewhere (maybe built/purchased in the playable world, maybe somewhere back where you 'came from') But I like your diamond idea.
Hero Member
Posts: 512
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2012, 03:42:55 PM » |
Lol at the part about 1 cube weighing a few tons, theres this prank me n a few mates wana do and it goes like this, find a bed dump it in a public swiming pool laugh at them when they hire a crane to lift it out. Because a king foam matress is about 2-4 cubic meters so 2-4 tons of water obsorbed xD
 Say the opposite of these words: 1)Always. 2)Coming. 3)From. 4)Take. 5)Me. 6)Down.
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2012, 06:02:28 PM » |
Very good idea's you always have cool ideas that I could never think of  But I support the diamond wand... however maybe make the mineral something cheaper? Or even make it a dark stone which normal shop keepers refuse to buy because of it's evil nature, causing the player to seek more sinister methods of changing/getting rid of the crystal... Brain pop make the type of crystal you use have either good or bad effects based on how much it holds and where you found it 
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2012, 06:37:46 PM » |
Very good idea's you always have cool ideas that I could never think of  But I support the diamond wand... however maybe make the mineral something cheaper? Or even make it a dark stone which normal shop keepers refuse to buy because of it's evil nature, causing the player to seek more sinister methods of changing/getting rid of the crystal... Brain pop make the type of crystal you use have either good or bad effects based on how much it holds and where you found it  There will be other gems/crystals that can "store" things but they will be limited. Diamond is the universal one that does not modify the original energies and does not degrade with time. Its clarity/purity is what keeps the energies from getting modified and it's cut is what keeps the energy from getting lost over time. The shape of a gem or crystal is also a factor in what it does. I think the diamond that the player starts with is large enough to hold a lot of materials but small enough so that any serious material hoarder would want to upgrade eventually. Maybe half a carat or something... in an egg shape. Your ideas may be useful for other things but the starting wand will be limited but powerful... and a player who can find a merchant that would afford it (it would be an expensive item) could sell it and decide they never wanted to mine and would rather put that money to special armor or other magic or something.
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2012, 12:20:50 AM » |
Thats pretty kewl, I'm curious however to how you will make shapes have certain effects... or if they're just random...
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2012, 12:43:42 AM » |
Thats pretty kewl, I'm curious however to how you will make shapes have certain effects... or if they're just random...
Mostly that will be part of the hard-coding of the magic system. A gem/crystal will behave differently based on its type, quality, cut, and size. And I may bend the laws of gem-cutting a little if needed. Basic idea is that egg-shapes are used for storage (since you can imagine the energy bouncing around inside of there with no place to go). Your typical "cone shape" diamond cut (flat on one side, pointy on the other) is probably used for focusing and/or dispersing energy. Also maybe direct reflection with transistor like-additive properties. So if you directed energy into the pointy end from various sides it would get focused out a single beam on the flat side. If you also had energy directed into the flat side then it gets bounced back out and mixed. If you direct energy into the flat side and none into the cone side then the beam is split out the cone side (and weakened). Something like that. Prisms can act as diodes and simple splitters/combiners as well. Real prisms kind of work this way, too... you can shine light in one side that would be reflected if coming back the other way. So you can imaging combining a prism with a diamond such that some energy beam comes through the prism and into the flat side of the diamond, combines with whatever other energy is being pumped into the cone side, and projected back out the flat side. It then hits the prism and is directed off to the side... perhaps that is the beam that leaves the device and does damage or whatever. Maybe you direct your life energy into it and it's combined with low-grade heat energy to become super-charged and shoot out as a beam of fire or something. These are all still rough ideas and more suitable for another thread under the magic stuff, I guess. I have lots of separate ideas I just haven't brought them all fully together yet. (Standard caveats apply: subject to change, may turn out to be impossible, etc.)
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2012, 09:55:52 AM » |
Don't feel bad. I think I only went into any remote detail on it the changelogs. Who reads those things anyway?  I do...  . Anyway, maybe in the future you could make a struggle to hold animations since you're holding a big (Probably stone) block in your hands? And it'd be harder to move around when holding blocks in your hands? Oh and a 3rd person view would be great when you get to doing that (And the model is... More appealing). 
Mythruna: Don't you dare read any posts I made before 2014.
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2012, 03:22:38 PM » |
The diamond Idea is a little weird in my opinion, but not bad (Don't get me wrong). I hope that it will be VERY VEEERYYYYYYY expensive at least. And at first, it would take ALONG time to carry a single meter of log to your little tiny hole. Also, another idea thats a bit off subject, what about if you start mining a block, bits and pieces come flying off of it, and thats what you pick up. So you you mine a stone block with your pickaxe, you don't get a perfectly square block! You would have to hire someone to put some pieces together to make it a whole block again :3 Making tunneling, less.... Perfectly square.....
Also, on the carrying note. Players should be able to buy carts and wagons, to carry there stuff. I mean WAY WAY WAY before the magical diamonds.
I also hope every diamond I find wont be magical. So if I'm running out of room and I find a diamond, I instantly can carry a bit more. And if you played Ultima Online, UO, I liked there idea of items being infront of another, so you have to move them out of the way before you can get the other stuff out. I still want to have limits on what each bag can hold though xD
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2012, 04:07:50 PM » |
If I'm realistic about what a player can carry then no one would ever build anything. It would be too much trouble.
Diamonds used as storage would have to be cut a certain way and be part of a storage circuit. They don't just store stuff on their own... they act as the storage crystal in a device that can convert matter. Diamonds will also be very rare. You start with one, though... or some way of storing raw materials.
...and there will be no "diamond swords" since such a thing would be completely useless as it would shatter as soon as you used it.
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2012, 05:10:03 PM » |
Well, what if diamonds were so powerfull, wouldn't let you carry to many things. You would have to combine your diamonds into pushable carts, or backpacks, or clothing to make it more power full, allowing you to carry 60 meters of stone, instead of 10??? Or whatever numbers are already planned.
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2012, 06:06:53 PM » |
Well, what if diamonds were so powerfull, wouldn't let you carry to many things. You would have to combine your diamonds into pushable carts, or backpacks, or clothing to make it more power full, allowing you to carry 60 meters of stone, instead of 10??? Or whatever numbers are already planned.
The single most annoying thing from Minecraft was the limits on carrying raw material. "You mean I can carry 5,000 tons of stone but not 1 pound more?" Mythruna is not really a building/mining game... at least not the full game. You will have to juggle items and objects like any regular RPG but raw materials are "magic" because to do otherwise is lame. You cannot even carry 1 cubic meter of stone. Nor could you realistically hand make a cart that could. A cubic meter of stone is 2500 kg... or about 5,500 lbs. And then you'd need enough horses that could pull it up a 45 degree grade. You'd have to play for weeks (in game time) before you had enough resources to build the things necessary to move one block of stone... and realistically you'd be lucky if your cart made a full trip with one block. It would be an interesting exercise in simulation but I don't think it would be very fun. Better to sweep all of that under the rug, call it "magic", and move on... and hope the player is aware of what they are doing if they choose to sell their wand for 50,000 gold and never mine again.  I don't know what the limits will be but for the casual builder it will be in the realm of "never mattering". Only the semi-dedicated miner will tire of emptying his wand all the time and want to upgrade... and upgrading (doubling) the wand should be the equivalent of about 100,000 gold.
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2012, 07:53:41 PM » |
Hmm, okay. How much CAN we carry if we sell the wand? If for some reason its stolen off of us or sold or something. What if its stolen?
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2012, 08:12:03 PM » |
Hmm, okay. How much CAN we carry if we sell the wand? If for some reason its stolen off of us or sold or something. What if its stolen?
That will depend on your strength and/or the kind of backpack that you have. In general, magic items attached directly to your life energy field will be unstealable. You'd definitely notice.

Posts: 5
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2012, 05:20:26 AM » |
Going back, firstly, to the original point in the thread, I think an interface like this is a fantastic idea. I've had one in my head along these lines for a while now where the left and right mouse button refers to the left and right hand:
So a character has a shield equipped in the left and a sword in the right. Clicking the right button will slash with the sword; holding the left button will pull the shield up to cover the body (with reduced movement whilst in this stance). Right clicking whilst holding the shield up will do a stabbing action.
If the the player has a two handed sword or axe, a right click would do a horizontal swing from the right, a left a vertical swing and left and right together a lunging stab (imagining a right hander would hold the sword more over the right shoulder than straight in front if you know what I mean).
Holding the left button with a bow in the same hand would pull it up ready, slowing/stopping the player (and I guess readying an arrow), and the right mouse would pull the string back. Pulling the string back for a longer time would increase the power and affect the accuracy some way(similar to that game I guess) and a release would naturally let the arrow go.
Something along these lines but so a left click refers to a left hand action etc. I also think the use of a modifier via holding ctrl is great, doubling the actions available.
This is more combat focused I guess and I don't know about ... much. Although I do picture using an axe and pick to chop/mine in a similar fashion where different gestures do different swings with different advantages. Maybe a horizontal swing with an axe to fell a tree and a vertical one to chop it in half.
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2012, 05:57:44 AM » |
Almost right... I only read through your description briefly but saw a difference early.
(Caveat: this is all based on current design and may be tweaked for playability once I actually get further along.)
All of the normal mouse buttons are used for the right hand actions. For example, for a sword, left mouse will be slash and right will be stab, or something. Middle mouse wheel for a sword might rotate object in your hand (so you can hit with the flat instead of the blade)... an action more useful for other types of objects but I think still useful for a sword maybe.
To control the object in your left hand, you'd hold the ctrl key. So if you want to position your shield then you'd hold the ctrl key down and move the mouse. If you want to attack while holding the shield then you have to release the ctrl key and then you can use your sword again. This seems realistic to me since it requires real separation and I don't have to include any artificial "attacking is reduced while holding shield" since it's natural.
The bow I'm less sure about. My current notes say that the left button alone will slash with the bow... maybe you want to bash someone's head in with it. Holding both left and right buttons nocks an arrow and puts you in "draw" mode. Pulling the mouse back will pull the bowstring. Moving the mouse left or right will aim left or right. My current notes say that if you pull the string back far enough then you fire automatically but you can also release the right button to set the drawn bow into "aim" mode where now mouse up, down, left, right will aim the bow. Holding the right button again will change the draw again... and so on. Releasing the left button will fire the arrow. This scheme allows both rapid indiscriminate firing (hold both buttons, move mouse forward and back) as well as carefully aimed and powered firing. (The bow "icon" in the lower left will indicate how far the bow is drawn.) For example, a really good archer could get pretty precise I think... maybe there could even be some magic means of helping them aim, set power, account for wind, etc..
At least that's the design so far.