Title: One game to look for examples on how to handle somethings. Post by: ebag51 on February 13, 2017, 10:50:52 PM I can think of only one game with an AI ambition comparable to mythruna: dwarf fortress. It does a ton of stuff with AI like wants, desires, values. And a good chunk of it's ambitions in this regard have already been released. For stuff like gossip systems and the goals of a creature it would be a good example to look at. I hope it helps, I honestly really want Mythruna to finally leave prealpha.
Title: Re: One game to look for examples on how to handle somethings. Post by: pspeed on February 15, 2017, 08:41:03 PM Over the years I have read many of the same pieces of literature that the dwarf fortress guys have. So it's no surprise that our ideas are similar, I guess. It's a very interesting topic.