
General Category => Announcements => Topic started by: pspeed on August 24, 2021, 07:05:52 PM

Title: Simsilica Discord Server
Post by: pspeed on August 24, 2021, 07:05:52 PM
I've setup a Simsilica Discord server.  I'm still kind of new to this but we'll see how it goes.

Primarily this was a way to offer my Patreon supporters a patron-only channel but it also has a public general channel for anyone that I invite.  If there is interest then I may also create a channel for Mythruna donators.

If you are interesting in joining the Simsilica Discord then send me a PM here and I will send you an invite link.

If you had no idea that I had a Patreon page and are curious, here is the link:
I primarily set that up for folks who wanted to support my open source library developer, of which there are many.  But the past few years have seen a lot of progress on the MOSS libraries which are the core of the new Mythruna engine so it is related.  I'm trying to make a big push this year and only have some small things to wrap up before I can start knocking down the to-do list in earnest.  More on that later... or follow the progress on Twitter.