Title: Current Status... Post by: pspeed on June 27, 2022, 02:22:56 PM Unrolled from the simsilica twitter:
Today is the 10 year anniversary of the last public release of the original Mythruna. I've been working on the new engine daily for the last month trying to get a new public release ready for today. Between health, work, and world distractions, it's hard to find enough time to wire up the final details. Bottom line: there's not going to be a public release today. Once I step back and think about what arbitrary deadlines do and don't mean, I'm not even sure I want to release what I have next week. I feel like maybe the disappointment of missing things (like networking) may outweigh the disappointment of a small date slip considering that it's been so long already. Arbitrary lines in the sand are good motivators, though. So I'm going to slip the public release by one month to release on my birthday: 2022/7/31 Sorry. I'll put out another backers-only test release on the 4th to get the object blueprints some testing time. (See the field of beds below.) I'll spend July trying to get object scripting fully hooked up so I can get "property" working again so networking can be turned on. (https://imgur.com/SgvMeUw.png) Title: Re: Current Status... Post by: cHyper on September 20, 2022, 09:27:44 AM Unrolled from the simsilica twitter: Today is the 10 year anniversary of the last public release of the original Mythruna. I've been working on the new engine daily for the last month trying to get a new public release ready for today. Between health, work, and world distractions, it's hard to find enough time to wire up the final details. Bottom line: there's not going to be a public release today. Once I step back and think about what arbitrary deadlines do and don't mean, I'm not even sure I want to release what I have next week. I feel like maybe the disappointment of missing things (like networking) may outweigh the disappointment of a small date slip considering that it's been so long already. Arbitrary lines in the sand are good motivators, though. So I'm going to slip the public release by one month to release on my birthday: 2022/7/31 Sorry. I'll put out another backers-only test release on the 4th to get the object blueprints some testing time. (See the field of beds below.) I'll spend July trying to get object scripting fully hooked up so I can get "property" working again so networking can be turned on. (https://imgur.com/SgvMeUw.png) when do we get a new public release? Title: Re: Current Status... Post by: pspeed on October 31, 2022, 02:17:58 PM Today.