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1  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Crash on startup on: August 05, 2011, 01:39:23 AM
Righto, I've looked around on the JME forums, other people have similar problems but no solutions seem present. I'll start a topic specific to mine and see what comes up.

I'll let you know the result. Thanks for your help! It's a shame I can't get in-game, it looks like you've done sterling work, congrats.
2  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Crash on startup on: August 04, 2011, 10:34:18 PM
haha sorry was doing that completely from memory, I apologise.

I don't seem to have TestNiftyExamples, I have TestNiftyGUI (which runs) and TestNiftyToMesh (which has the FB error). Can you perhaps post the .java and I'll try and run it?

Sorry to be a pain, if it turns out to be my card then I won't be surprised, but just want to make sure (more for your sake) that it's not something you can fix.
3  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Crash on startup on: August 04, 2011, 10:03:17 PM
Hey dave,
When running the tests I get the same error as with Mythruna on the TestNiftyToMesh test.
Here is the output if any of it is helpful (sorry about the wall of text, wanted to make sure everything was there):

05-Aug-2011 05:59:32 jme3test.TestChooser start
INFO: Composing Test list...
05-Aug-2011 05:59:32 jme3test.TestChooser find
INFO: Searching for Demo classes in "jme3test".
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.JmeSystem initialize
INFO: Running on jMonkey Engine 3 Alpha 0.6
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.Natives extractNativeLibs
INFO: Extraction Directory #1: file:/C:/Program%20Files/jmonkeyplatform/jmonkeyplatform/libs/
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.Natives extractNativeLibs
INFO: Extraction Directory #2: C:\Users\l\Documents\jMonkeyProjects\JmeTests
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.Natives extractNativeLibs
INFO: Extraction Directory #3: C:\Users\l\Documents\jMonkeyProjects\JmeTests
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay run
INFO: Using LWJGL 2.7.1
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay createContext
INFO: Selected display mode: 800 x 600 x 0 @0Hz
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay initInThread
INFO: Display created.
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay initInThread
INFO: Adapter: igdumd64
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay initInThread
INFO: Driver Version:
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay initInThread
INFO: Vendor: Intel
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay initInThread
INFO: OpenGL Version: 2.1.0 - Build
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay initInThread
INFO: Renderer: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay initInThread
INFO: GLSL Ver: 1.20  - Intel Build
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglTimer <init>
INFO: Timer resolution: 1000 ticks per second
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer initialize
INFO: Caps: [FrameBuffer, FrameBufferMRT, OpenGL20, OpenGL21, ARBprogram, GLSL100, GLSL110, GLSL120, VertexTextureFetch, FloatTexture, FloatColorBuffer]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager <init>
INFO: DesktopAssetManager created.
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.renderer.Camera <init>
INFO: Camera created (W: 800, H: 600)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.renderer.Camera <init>
INFO: Camera created (W: 800, H: 600)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.input.lwjgl.LwjglMouseInput initialize
INFO: Mouse created.
05-Aug-2011 05:59:45 com.jme3.input.lwjgl.LwjglKeyInput initialize
INFO: Keyboard created.
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 initInThread
INFO: AudioRenderer supports 64 channels
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 initInThread
INFO: Audio effect extension version: 1.0
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 initInThread
INFO: Audio max auxilary sends: 1
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.material.MaterialDef <init>
INFO: Loaded material definition: Unshaded
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Gui Node)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (Statistics View) attached to this node (Gui Node)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.renderer.Camera <init>
INFO: Camera created (W: 1,024, H: 768)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.material.MaterialDef <init>
INFO: Loaded material definition: Default GUI
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen <init>
INFO: Missing ScreenController for screen [null] using DefaultScreenController() instead but this might not be what you want.
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty loadFromFile
INFO: loadFromFile [jme3test/niftygui/hellojme.xml]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.NiftyLoader loadNiftyXml
INFO: loading new nifty xml file with schemaId [nifty.nxs]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.NiftyLoader loadNiftyXml
INFO: loaded nifty xml file with schemaId [nifty.nxs] took [38 ms]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: debug out [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: resourceBundles [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: registerStyle [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: registerControlDefinition [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: registerEffect [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: registerSound [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: registerMusic [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: registerMouseCursor [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType create
INFO: registerPopup [0]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 getInstance
WARNING: class [de.lessvoid.nifty.examples.helloworld.HelloWorldStartScreen] could not be instanziated (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.lessvoid.nifty.examples.helloworld.HelloWorldStartScreen)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen <init>
INFO: Missing ScreenController for screen [start] using DefaultScreenController() instead but this might not be what you want.
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ScreenType create
INFO: internal prepare screen (start) [4]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager loadAsset
WARNING: Cannot locate resource: aurulent-sans-17.fnt
at com.jme3.font.BitmapText.<init>(
at com.jme3.font.BitmapText.<init>(
at com.jme3.niftygui.RenderFontJme.<init>(
at com.jme3.niftygui.RenderDeviceJme.createFont(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.render.NiftyRenderEngineImpl.createFont(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.apply.Convert.font(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.apply.ApplyRenderText.apply(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.elements.Element.initializeFromAttributes(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.applyAttributes(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.applyStandard(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.create(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.applyChildren(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.applyStandard(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.create(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.applyChildren(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.applyStandard(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ElementType.create(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.ScreenType.create(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.loaderv2.types.NiftyType.create(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty.loadFromFile(
at de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty.fromXml(
at jme3test.niftygui.TestNiftyToMesh.simpleInitApp(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.initInThread(
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty gotoScreen
INFO: gotoScreen [start]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty gotoScreenInternal
INFO: gotoScreenInternal [start]
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.screen.Screen <init>
INFO: Missing ScreenController for screen [null] using DefaultScreenController() instead but this might not be what you want.
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty gotoScreenInternal
WARNING: screen [start] not found
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.material.MaterialDef <init>
INFO: Loaded material definition: Plain Texture
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.material.Material checkSetParam
WARNING: Material parameter m_ColorMap uses a deprecated naming convention use ColorMap instead
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild
INFO: Child (Box) attached to this node (Root Node)
05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer setFrameBuffer
SEVERE: Problem FBO:
FrameBuffer[format=1024x768x1, drawBuf=0]
Depth => BufferTarget[format=Depth]
Color(0) => TextureTarget[format=RGB8]

05-Aug-2011 05:59:46 handleError
SEVERE: Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,6,main]
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Incomplete draw buffer.
at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.checkFrameBufferError(
at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.setFrameBuffer(
at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.renderViewPort(
at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.render(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
4  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Crash on startup on: August 04, 2011, 03:49:27 AM
hmm ok it generated a client.log:

2011-08-04 01:31:27,718 ERROR [mythruna.MainStart] Unhandled error:Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,5,main]
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Incomplete draw buffer.
at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.checkFrameBufferError(
at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.setFrameBuffer(
at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.renderViewPort(
at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.render(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
at Source)
2011-08-04 01:31:27,721 ERROR [mythruna.MainStart] Default handling did not exit.

So it seems to be a draw buffer issue rather than the bullet library maybe?

My drivers are up to date but unfortunately I am running on an integrated Intel card, I am just starting to play about with the engine myself and so far things run smoothly for me, but you probably have extra fanciness that my card doesn't support?
5  General Category / Tech Support / Crash on startup on: August 04, 2011, 03:16:45 AM
Hi there, I get a crash when starting the game (build 20110716). I see the settings window and can select a number of settings and hit ok, then before anything else comes up I get the following:

Edit: Oh and the other Nifty test runs fine apart from the weird missing font error seen below.

04-Aug-2011 01:31:24 com.jme3.system.Natives extractNativeLib
WARNING: Cannot locate native library: windows/bulletjme64.dll
04-Aug-2011 01:31:27 com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer setFrameBuffer
SEVERE: Problem FBO:
FrameBuffer[format=640x480x1, drawBuf=0]
Depth => TextureTarget[format=Depth24]
Color(0) => TextureTarget[format=RGBA8]

04-Aug-2011 01:31:27 handleError
SEVERE: Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,5,main]
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Incomplete draw buffer.
at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.checkFrameBufferError(
at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.setFrameBuffer(
at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.renderViewPort(
at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.render(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
at Source)

Just to let you know, cheers
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