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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Chat Lounge on: October 05, 2019, 11:24:48 AM
Hi everyone! Figured I'd take a look and see how things are going around here Smiley
2  Development / Blog / Re: Inventory progress... on: November 12, 2013, 04:07:03 AM
This does seem like some proper progress; can't wait till the next update.
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A human npc named Fred. on: November 03, 2013, 10:53:12 AM
It makes me laugh.
Pretty much sums up my feelings when reading it Wink
4  Development / Blog / Re: Halloween... on: November 03, 2013, 10:52:10 AM
Definitely earned some Kudo's there Paul, as well as AwesomeParentPoints.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A human npc named Fred. on: October 29, 2013, 06:53:50 AM
"shawn343 posted in the player only chat that he was bored and it was time for a big battle"

"After a few more days travel they arrived at a fortress that oddly enough had its gate open. Its was like shawn342 wanted the battle to begin."

Am I the only one who noticed that inconsistency?
6  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Graphics Card Compatibility List? on: October 25, 2013, 12:13:27 AM
Ok, I couldn't be bothered to check if my card is already on this list, but here goes.

My machine itself is pretty crap, so it usually runs 10 - 20 FPS, 30 - 40 on a good spike.

It's an Nvidia Geforce 210 btw.
7  General Category / Tech Support / Re: Error 1379256367367 and Error 1379256430382 upon game launch why? on: October 25, 2013, 12:07:37 AM
yeah, i dont have the money for that right now. know any ohter games like this that can work on my graphics card?

Don't worry, graphics cards don't have to be expensive; I got an Nvidea Geforce 210 for €30,- so saving up a little will pay off.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: racial attacks? on: October 17, 2013, 05:18:00 PM
cool does this mean as a reptilian player i can tear up my enemies with my spikes and spit/bite them as well as attacking them with weapons?
also can i kill someone with poison/venom build up by spitting/biting them 10 times means 10 doses

You don't strike me as a very social person.
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A human npc named Fred. on: October 17, 2013, 05:14:04 PM
While reading the story I couldn't help but think "What were ebag51's parents thinking when they named him that?"
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A human npc named Fred. on: October 13, 2013, 02:15:41 PM
This story is a whole new kind of special, I feel.
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A human npc named Fred. on: October 09, 2013, 02:09:34 AM
This is just getting more magical by the minute.
12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A human npc named Fred. on: October 01, 2013, 04:53:44 AM
We are all waiting in suspense for what might happen at the town center.

This forum needs a Like button for replies like these!
13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Weapon Skills? on: September 27, 2013, 04:30:39 PM
will there be weapon skills or will be players and npcs just be able to pick up any weapon and use it to full effect?

Not sure yet.  You will probably be able to use any weapon when you pick it up but may have to have skills to use it properly or to good effect.  For example, you could pick up a sword and swing it around but if you don't have default resting stances then everything you do will be awkward and take more time.

Sounds like Rubies of Eventide used to have; you could equip a heavy set of armor and a big axe, but if you don't have the right skills, you won't be able to move very fast and your attacks would be slow and clumsy.
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A human npc named Fred. on: September 23, 2013, 03:09:05 AM
Hey Ebag, did you get this idea from Seedlings?
If not, everyone here should go check it out on Youtube.
15  Player's Corner / Gallery / Re: Funny pictures... on: September 20, 2013, 02:41:28 AM
This makes the world look huge, some sort of Alice in Wonderland feel.
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