What is Mythruna?
Come On In!
Mythruna is everything you’ve ever imagined and wished for. It’s the place you’ve dreamed about and hoped for. It’s all the good things in life, and if you can’t find them, you can make them. It’s a place where your spirit can soar and you can fly—literally.
Mythruna is a place where you look on the outside the way you look on the inside. Feeling intelligent today? You can look intelligent. Feeling like you want to make some heads snap around? You can make and design architectural designs and think makebelief.
Be a wizard, NO? A doctor, NO? A swordsman, NO? A archer, NO?
Then come on in the Mythruna and design your path as you go.
It’s a great place to develop and design stuff when you’re ready to move beyond creating sketches and designs on paper, but not able to show the world your beauty.
Sign up today for free gameplay and get our latest updates at:
http://www.mythruna.comIt's a game with imagination!
Join us in multiplayer aswell.