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241  General Category / General Discussion / Re: mythruna resembling adventuretime? on: December 28, 2015, 03:30:10 AM
I like Adventure Time a lot.  It's a fun setting though I can't really say Mythruna is inspired by it at all.  (It's a true post-apocalyptic world and Mythruna is not at all.)  But it's cool that you were inspired by it. Smiley
242  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A funny test project... on: December 27, 2015, 02:12:38 PM
Terraria comes to mind, if you'll count that. So does Don't Starve, but that's more of a hybrid(tiled terrain, but entities an such are not tiled).

Terraria is a 2D platformer... not a top-view tile based game.  Though it's why I think the concept has merit.

Don't Starve isn't tile based, really.  I mean, the map is based on really _large_ tiles but the majority of everything else is just an objects placed.  Trees, bushes, etc. can go anywhere.  Even the little bit of building you can do is just placing objects and even then it's very tricky to make walls and stuff... and definitely no roofs, second floors, basements or any of that.  You'd never be able to create a dungeon in Don't Starve.

I have a relatively simple idea for building such a world and I can't decide if I should waste any time on it.  The fact that it's kind of close to Mythruna in world structure, only way simpler, means I could use it to test some things like simpler AI, town generation, whatever... but those are flimsy excuses. Smiley

Anyway, I'm neck deep in networking issues anyway so this will simmer.  If someone had piped up "Oh, yeah 'UmptyFrump' is exactly what you describe." then I could easily ignore this temptation.  As it is, coming up with something unique is so difficult that I try to tease things that seem unique out a bit.. at least as documentation.
243  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A funny test project... on: December 27, 2015, 08:48:34 AM
Those were both strategy games, more  or less and the terrain was fixed.  You could place 'buildings' but you couldn't build them how you wanted.

I was wondering if there is a 2D tile-based RPG where you can build your own stuff, modify the world, etc..
244  General Category / General Discussion / A funny test project... on: December 27, 2015, 12:47:02 AM
I need to refactor some networking stuff before I get too much farther into Mythruna.  I'm seeing a lot of network traffic in the new engine that shouldn't be here and some user of my library already reported a related issue a long time ago.

I downloaded some simple RPG tiles from along with some character sprite tiles.  Threw together a relatively quick little network prototype.

Here is a screen shot of some naked players frolicking about.  Avert your eyes if they are sensitive to such things. Wink

Clearly those people are up to no good, gallivanting naked in a field.

Tonight I will make some simple orcs running around in circles so that I can do some testing without having to have multiple clients logged in.

It would be fun to tease some more out of this game as the tilesets are pretty extensive even if they are a bit low-res.  It would be easy enough to replace them.  I'm just kind of chomping at the bit to get back to Mythruna and get to finally play Fallout 4. Smiley

It did make me wonder, though... does anyone know of any 2D tile based games like this where players can construct their own houses, modify the land, etc.?  Because I know how I'd do it...
245  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 1 - Prep Phase on: December 27, 2015, 12:25:49 AM
I may be considered an idiot for suggesting this, but cant you just make multiple characters and have each make their stronghold claim around the edge of the hole?

That'd take 32 alts to do, and that's before getting into travel time.

54 by my math... to get the whole hole.

And I'd rather just have one property instead of 54 tiny ones.

That's even bigger than the enterprise, I think.

How big IS that anyway?

As I recall, it's long enough so that if you are inside the front one of the nacelles, you cannot see the back end.  And yes, for those reading, you can get inside of it... though it's hollow.  No decks or anything. Smiley
246  General Category / General Discussion / Re: My Public Server on: December 26, 2015, 05:39:33 AM
I'm searching for it cause of that thing you said on the first page of this thread.

"This same host also has a status web page where you can see recent server activity, most active players, etc..." I believe you were referring to so I was looking for this area where I could see who is online and stuff.

Couldn't find it.

You mean... the one mentioned in the very first post of this thread:
http://<same host as above>/status


That one?

The one that still works fine for me?

I used to try to keep the exact address off the internet because every time I mention it the potential exploit log on my systems goes through the roof.  But I guess it's too hard to figure out without an exact address so there it is.
247  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 1 - Prep Phase on: December 26, 2015, 04:21:30 AM
I may be considered an idiot for suggesting this, but cant you just make multiple characters and have each make their stronghold claim around the edge of the hole?

That'd take 32 alts to do, and that's before getting into travel time.

54 by my math... to get the whole hole.

And I'd rather just have one property instead of 54 tiny ones.

That's even bigger than the enterprise, I think.
248  General Category / General Discussion / Re: My Public Server on: December 26, 2015, 04:18:18 AM
I tried typing into my url box. I got this thingy.

One of those "domain for sale" website thingys.

I don't think exists anymore. is a feature of dyndns... (one of many of their domains) which is why I have Mythruna mapped there because I have a dyndns account.  The mythruna address still works.

I will have to trust your word then. I typed mythruna into the dyn website's search bar and it came up with no search results.
And the mythruna servers link sends me to a website called listforge, where I could not see anything that said mythruna on it.

I don't know... resolves to my IP in every way I've checked so far. 

Not sure why you are "searching" for it, though... nor do I know why they would bother to let you search.
249  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 1 - Prep Phase on: December 25, 2015, 09:35:23 PM
Well, there's the rub as the area is huge.  I think I remember now why it isn't protected... because I felt a little uncomfortable leasing so much of the world to one project.

How big is the area exactly?
250  General Category / General Discussion / Re: My Public Server on: December 25, 2015, 09:34:08 PM
I tried typing into my url box. I got this thingy.

One of those "domain for sale" website thingys.

I don't think exists anymore. is a feature of dyndns... (one of many of their domains) which is why I have Mythruna mapped there because I have a dyndns account.  The mythruna address still works.
251  General Category / General Discussion / Re: church of origin in mythruna on: December 23, 2015, 07:05:06 PM
Heheh... sounds cool.

Maybe someone can post a screen shot.
252  General Category / General Discussion / Re: manual control without mouse on: December 23, 2015, 02:13:47 AM
Pretty sure you can press F1 for help and it describes the keys you can use instead of the mouse wheel.

If not it's , and .  In other words, the < and > keys without holding shift.

thanks, that helped. and its , and . while holding ctrl to change the shapes.

Yes, those keys are supposed to work exactly like the mouse wheel, everywhere.  I think the exception is the map where +/- zooms in and out.
253  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 1 - Prep Phase on: December 23, 2015, 12:58:33 AM
I mean, the fact that you can't do user-targetted rollbacks for griefs. The sensitive 1-2 weeks period needed to construct the statue would be especially vulnerable if someone griefs it mid-day while I'm working on it.

But that's nearly impossible to do or would require _significant_ changes to the engine to support.  As it is, I just copy files if you change an area after the file's checkpoint.  I keep checkpoint directories of the pre-checkpoint files if they were changed post-checkpoint, for the entire world.

Doing it per user is hard because any number of users could be editing an area at the same time.  That area may not get saved for 5 seconds or more and then it's saving all of the changes since the last write.

Would be better just to protect the area with a property.
254  General Category / General Discussion / Re: manual control without mouse on: December 23, 2015, 12:55:19 AM
Pretty sure you can press F1 for help and it describes the keys you can use instead of the mouse wheel.

If not it's , and .  In other words, the < and > keys without holding shift.
255  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 1 - Prep Phase on: December 22, 2015, 08:53:27 PM
That's acually the issue, that you can only do time based rollbacks.

It's not time based. It's checkpoint based.  And a new checkpoint is automatically set every night.  But empty checkpoints don't show up in the lists.

It's the areas that have daily changes that will end up with lots of revs.

I can easily remove old checkpoints, though.  The two+ year old revisions probably aren't worth keeping around anymore, anyway.
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