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256  General Category / General Discussion / Re: New ideas for creatures on: December 22, 2015, 07:35:59 AM
Of the many millions of possible ways to blow up blocks, walking bombs won't be one of them.  However, that hardly means I won't pick one or two of the other millions of possible ways to support blowing things up.
257  General Category / General Discussion / Re: New ideas for creatures on: December 21, 2015, 06:04:22 PM
Also, just for reference, creatures that appear in Mythruna will have a purpose other than just harassing the player.  Like, where does some creature fit in the ecosystem and so on.

A notable exception might be the elementals like Takwin that are a byproduct of conditions and player magic... but even those have a deeper reason for being.

Minecraft is a fun game... partially because its mobs are one-dimensional devices... but they are still one dimensional and Mythruna won't be doing that.  It should always be in every Mythrunian mob's list of choices to decide to run away because the trouble isn't worth it.  At least in theory.

So probably:
-no player-seeking mobs
-no walking mines
-and generally, no "I popped into existence fully formed with motivations and everything just because the sun went down 10 seconds ago"

(If you get harassed by groo-lizards because you are wandering in the dark then that also means there must be a nest somewhere... and at any rate, they go and hide during the day and don't spontaneously combust.)

Minecraft mobs are like classic arcade game mobs.  They are a single-mechanic extension, basically.  You can almost trace them directly back to mob archetypes that existed in games as old as Gauntlet.  (This is the one that beats on you in melee.  This is the one that shoots you.  This is the one that explodes under some condition.  This is the one that teleports.)
258  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Statue Construction Phase 1 - Prep Phase on: December 21, 2015, 05:54:31 PM
The coords are correct. I just spend 20 minutes getting to it just to confirm it. It would be nice if you could remove the coordinates because I'm not sure if Rayblon wants them public.

Especially since I plan to work in the statue soon. It's kind of on a need to know basis for the time being because of how the map saves and rollbacks are executed. I stand to lose way too much work with new players logging in just to wreck my build.

Note: checkpoints are automatically created at midnight... I can create them any time, though.

It occurs to me at this point that some areas probably have an unmanageable revision count. Smiley
259  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Impossible de jouer en Ligne ... ( mème après etre inscris ) on: December 09, 2015, 07:50:24 AM
Sorry you are having trouble.  Also sorry that I don't understand French so had to use google translate.

Is this trying to connect to the main mythruna server?

Does it hang or give an error?  Can you take a screen shot?

I've reset the server just in case so you might try again.
260  General Category / General Discussion / Re: The Discussion #23 (12/7/2015) on: December 08, 2015, 02:05:16 PM
This is not really the same thing but I'm still chuckling about it 4 days later and it's become a 'thing' in our household now.

The other night I was putting my daughter to bad and asked her if she had a good day (I try to ask every night).  She said with a really thick fake New York accent, "I hadda Superman day!"  This led to a whole chain of funny super-hero day comments.  "Well, I'm glad you didn't have an incredible hulk day", etc..  I even got weird and gen-x on her and said "I had a Wonder Twins day without the twin... I felt wet and squishy and couldn't form into anything!"  (If you are a gen-xer then that's funny... my wife was giggling pretty good anyway.)  The important thing is kind of the accent I guess.  It's kind of a thing now as we try to come up with different super-heros that reflect our day.  (When I was cold and wet after working on the pool, I'd had an Aquaman day.)

As it turns out, she didn't really make this up... and it was my fault.

When I was a young kid, there was a show called Romper Room.  I was telling her about this a week or more ago because of the magic mirror and a comment I'd made at work.  We were on a group chat and as we watched the participants come in we were saying "I see Dave and I see Joe, and Mary..." and so on.  I then said "I feel like I'm on Romper Room."  And then quickly followed with "I think there is only one other person on this call who is old enough to get that reference."  And he was giggled and said "I do."

Anyway, so I had to find a clip of the show to show my daughter what I was talking about when retelling that story.

I think that clip is kind of hilarious.  I chuckle every time the teacher says "Wait!".  Lots of experience keeping things from getting out of hand, that one.

But that's where "Superman day" comes from... though I have no idea why my daughter decided to give it a New York accent.  It is what makes it hilarious here, though.

So, I hope you all have a Superman day!  Try to stay away from the Aquaman days if you can avoid them. Smiley
261  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: December 06, 2015, 05:19:27 AM
Well, you didn't wipe out the to-do list... but the done list is quite extensive, all things considered.

Yeah, I got a lot done.  And so far I can still poke at it as some of the bigger hurdles are done.  As long as I keep up some minimal momentum that I keep the bits of string straight in my head and won't have to untangle it again later.

I'll try to make another big push over Christmas break but I'm trying to still push things along.  You can see some stuff even got moved over to the 'done' column this past night.
262  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: November 30, 2015, 02:36:09 PM
Starting to page over some real data by building out some general resource transfer infrastructure.

The low res terrain and tree impostors is the first by-product... so starting to actually SEE STUFF!


Heh heh. I see that one tree sitting in the water. Will the faux terrain ever be setup to have accurate-ish approximations of things like buildings, or no?

Unknown.  I'm purposely staying away from any graphical enhancements right now as they are too easy to use to avoid the less fun stuff that is harder to do. Smiley
263  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: November 29, 2015, 05:13:57 PM
Starting to page over some real data by building out some general resource transfer infrastructure.

The low res terrain and tree impostors is the first by-product... so starting to actually SEE STUFF!

264  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: November 28, 2015, 03:26:48 AM
It's been a rough day and a half or so.  Took some time off on Thanksgiving which was nice but then finished up feeling the pressure of my ending vacation.

Today was a good but painful day of test, fix, rebuild, repeat.  The plan was to temporarily stub out all of the 'services' that the client expects that will normally need to be provided by remote services.  Like terrain loading, grabbing objects, etc..  The preceding couple of days was building the infrastructure necessary to do that.  The plugin system needed a slight overhaul because I'd never fully implemented a design for how to deal with plugins that needed to add different services depending on what mode the game was running (multiplayer server, multiplayer client, or single player).  I'd hacked in one approach a year ago or so that I completely yanked out for a better one once the design was improved.  Funny how once you start something and put it down for a few months at a time that the train of thought can get derailed.  Anyway, things are now more straight forward.

So that last day and a half or so the process has been:
-run the server
-run the client
-connect to the server
-join with a character
-get an error
-fix the error (sometimes with some not insignificant amount of coding)
-rebuild everything

The most unfun part of a hard week.  But now I've finally connected to the server and walked around.  I can't actually see what I'm walking on because I'm not getting real terrain.  Also my position on the client only updates once a second (ham-fisted after all) but I can see that the camera moves up and down and so on as I traverse terrain that I can't actually see.

That's a picture of the multiplayer client connected to my local server.  The view is of far terrain which I've hard-coded as all water at 0 elevation.  The white area is where it cuts off for being too near the player.  The actual land is invisible because that data is hard-coded to return empty.

So now I can get to the business of actually implementing the services.  Turns out there are only three that need immediate attention before I can at least see what I'm walking on.  I'll have to implement at least one more to be able to open my inventory and select my build wand.  That will be needed for adding back support for terrain change notification so the client knows to update.  Once I have all of the basic stuff working then I will get to networking the physics engine with Sim-ethereal (the networking library I used Espace to test).

Hopefully the boring parts are done and the real work can begin.
265  Modder's Workbench / Scripting / Re: FlyMod by CoderMusgrove on: November 25, 2015, 05:10:37 PM
The fly script only works in single player.

Shift already runs.  If you ran any faster then you'd outrun the engine loading the terrain.
266  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: November 24, 2015, 06:55:46 AM
Work-on-Mythruna-staycation... so far so good.

Well, at least the "Done" list is growing even if the 'To-do' list isn't shrinking yet. Smiley
267  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: November 22, 2015, 05:02:11 AM
Work-on-Mythruna-staycation... so far so good.
268  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: November 20, 2015, 12:05:36 AM
269  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: November 17, 2015, 02:11:38 AM
More progress... still tracking it here:

The neat thing about this page is it auto-updates as I change things.  For those who like to watch paint dry, you can just leave it open. Smiley
270  Development / Blog / Re: Fallout 4... on: November 16, 2015, 04:02:03 AM
Actually, someone mailed bethesda a few thousand caps and got a free copy of the game for it. Probably a one-time thing, but that was neat.

Yeah, I couldn't remember if it was a copy of the game or a pipboy or I'd have mentioned it. Smiley
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