im curious if you are able to load a world with pre built structures, how do they look, is it just the terrain which you have altered or the way in which every block works.
It's terrain based on skinning a density field. So, for example, you will almost never have sharp corners unless they happen to magically align with a grid cell just right (and even then they have a small bevel with a wasted set of nearly degenerate triangles). For houses and block-like structures, this is a very wasteful approach.
Right now my biggest limit in Mythruna is memory. I'm constantly looking for ways to reduce what I have to cache, shrink my mesh memory footprint, etc.. This demo is fairly stable with respect to memory but I'm also generating the data on demand instead of keeping it around... the pleasure of a non-modifiable world. Also the demo above in Mythruna terms only has one block type. Everything you see is a trick of that material.
Now... some of those multitexture tricks... 100% usable in Mythruna. In fact, I've played with that a little already in older posts. I may even explore this further because for the terrain there are no texture coordinates. If I could do that for some of the block types in Mythruna (especially the more common ones) I'd see both a memory reduction and an increase in texture quality. 1) they would look good from far away and from up close, 2) they wouldn't obviously repeat.
If I were to use an engine like this for Mythruna then I would have to do both a block engine and a voxel engine... effectively doubling the memory required to hold a chunk. They could share lighting info, though, at least... and the lighting could still be propagated based on the voxels. (There is a bitmask in the cell values that says how lighting can propagate now... that would just have to take both block cells and density voxels into account... but the lighting propagator and mem requirements for lighting would not change from what I do now in the unreleased engine.)
Partially, I've created this demo to show that I could have made nicer looking terrain but chose specifically not to... it's the kind of thing that consumes 100% of your life. That's why I'm keeping the scope of this one very narrow to get the code released as open source.