When you say "lizardman" or reptilian, I think of either Skyrim Argonians or the Lizardman from Soul Calibur

I've been steering away from the elongated snout form. It seems like they'd never be able to speak a common tongue and it doesn't give much room for facial expression. Also, it gives nowhere to go for the "alpha" or warrior sub-species. If a reptilian has more humanoid features then the weaker subspecies would have softer features and a flatter forehead and the warrior sub-species would have larger cranial ridges and a slightly mongoloid face maybe.
I have a bunch of ideas they just haven't solidified. And many of them are more like "don't do this" rather than any specific thing.... like "don't be like Skyrim" "don't be like Soul Calibur", etc..
Though I think my idea of having a kind of reptilian feather patch on the head to do something almost like hair styles is kind of interesting. If the warrior class has large ridges running down the center of their head then they could have an almost mohawk like stream of short feathers either side of that... while the weaker subspecies would have plummage and more varied draping feathers, white, green, or potentially dyed with bones and trinkets tied into it.
My brain can almost picture a whole head but then I lose details before I can draw it. It will come.